Coral Springs Orchid Project
Garden Club of Coral Springs has partnered with Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society to restore South Florida’s rare and endangered orchid species into our urban landscape. More than a century ago, South Florida was a natural orchid paradise. Florida’s massive orchid population was exploited due to high retail demand in the plants. Today native orchids exist in such small numbers they have no hope of recovering on their own. To help bring back endangered and rare native orchid in South Florida, Coral Springs Garden Club, with Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society have joined in mission with Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden’s “Million Orchid Project” to help restore these struggling and very special orchid species in Broward County. We need contributions to purchase orchids to install in and around the city of Coral Springs. We thank you for your contribution and partnership to the Coral Springs Orchid Project!
Visit our website www.coralspringsgardenclub.org and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram,
@CSGardenClub to learn more, donate and keep updated!