Corina Castillo Memorial Fund
The world has lost an amazing woman with a heart of gold. If you knew Corina you’d probably understand when I say she was someone you were terrified of and loved at the same time. The woman was fire and ice in the same body, 1000%. When I heard about this tragedy it hit really close to home for me for a lot of reasons. So with the help of the amazing women of our graduating class and a few others, we have set up a fund to help support her sons Landon(16) and Cameron(11). We want to provide support for the boys in the immediate needs with the loss of their mother and upcoming holidays and then roll that support into a long term savings account/college fund. If you feel so inclined to donate we would greatly appreciate it.
If you knew Corina or even if you didn’t, we are asking that you help us to honor and celebrate her life by checking in on your people. If you miss someone, tell them. If you love someone, say it. Call. Show up. Be kind.
We love you all, thank you for your help supporting Corina’s boys. Please remember, you matter.