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Cornelius & Maria Woelke and Family

Donación protegida
Hello all,
I am Jake Friesen.
I am creating this GoFundMe to help the Cornelius and Maria Woelke Family because their second storey apartment building they lived in caught fire Saturday Oct 19/2024 in the afternoon. Cornelius the father ran out with both his sons Cornelius jr. and Jacob in his arms and all three of them suffered severe burns on the their body's, Maria got out safely. Cornelius did what most parents would do in a situation like that, run and save his family as best as he knew how. All three of them will need to go through extensive surgeries to get all the burnt skin off and need major skin graphing. This family needs help financially because they lost everything they had due to the fire and they are not covered under OHIP. They came here from Mexico 2 years ago to create a better life for themselves. So we need to come together to help them as best as we can financially.
Any and all help will be appreciated. All the proceeds will go directly to the Woelke Family. This family needs lots of prayers as well.
Thanks and God bless.



Jacob Friesen
St. Thomas, ON

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