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Reopening Bodhitree School during COVID19 crisis

Donation protected
Update @ 10/01/2021

Thanks again to all our donors, your help inspire and support the project.

The last update is that Government officially has allowed to open the Schools, so from 4th February the secondary children will start to assist and from 18th the rest of the students will assist too.

We kindly ask for your support in reopening Bodhitree School in the most safety way to keep on giving our children an optimal education, food and supplies which allow them to continue having a normal childhood.

We have raised the amount of the crowdfunding forecasting the following needs:

• Lunch for more than 700 children per day
• Books and stationaries.
• Hand sanitizers
• Hygiene items
• Staff wages
• Medical assistance
• Transport for special children
• Uniforms

Thanks again in advance,

Update @ 21/12/2020

First, thank you all! Thank you to all our donors. Really, we have achieved many things with your support.

In March, we thought that we could close this campaign at the end of the year... But we cannot. We still need all your help to continue providing the basic food and stuff for our kids.

We still help our children, as they cannot be locked down anymore, but the school cannot be officially opened. They need to learn, to play. They need to keep growing.

In India we live a drastic situation. The Government has decided that the best way is herd immunity, because the virus is not longer under control. That is why, we can only cross the fingers and keep live carefully.

But it seems that we will not have any chance to have the vaccine for our kids.

 In the meanwhile, we keep providing them with blankets, pads for girls, food, face mask, etc.

Do you want to help us? It is easy!

--> You only need to visit our amazon wishlist:  AMAZON WISH LIST  (

-        Handwash, Shampoo, Sanitary pads

-        Shoes of any sizes (5 to 16 year old)

-        Folding beds for mentally challenged children to sleep in homes

-        Two wheel chair (for mentally and physically challenged children)

-        Tooth pastes and brushes

-        etc

It should be Christmas for all of us.

Thank you in advance!


Actualización / Update @ 03/06/2020

The COVID crisis is still real. We are now in what name "phase-5".  
But the lockdown remains. The work has not already started. The schools remain closed.

And, the people of these communities, still need support. 
It is not much needed to support a family with food, masks, and hygienic products 
Only 20 INR a day for a small family. 20 INR is 0.24 €. 
It is so low! But we want to support every family. It difficult to calculate how many.
But, lets estimate that we help 500 families: 500 families x 0.24 € x 30 days = 3600 EUR / month

We are receiving your help, we receive help from other friends, and we really love it! :)

But it has passed long time since we started this campaign, and we need the increase our goal because we really need your support.

Visit us on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook, where we upload the videos of every action we make




And, also visit our new website! (for the moment, only in Spanish): 

Actualización / Update @ 15/04/2020 

Do you want to see how we prepare the kits for every familiy?  →

[ENGLISH below]
Actualización a 15/04/2020.

¡Alucinante! No esperábamos que la acogida tuviera tanto éxito. De verdad, de corazón, GRACIAS. MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS. Son estos actos los que nos hacen creer en la bondad de la gente. En vosotros.

Y aún nos queda mucho camino por recorrer, porque la mala noticia que acabamos de saber ayer es que India alarga el confinamiento, por lo menos, hasta el 3 de mayo. Puede ser insostenible para estas comunidades si no seguimos actuando.

→  ¿Nos ayudáis a seguir difundiendo nuestra campaña? ←

Para mostraros nuestra gratitud, queremos enseñaros lo que Dhirendra y el equipo de voluntarios estamos haciendo en terreno gracias a vuestras aportaciones.

Al poco de empezar nos dimos cuenta de que la realidad es muy grave. Y, por tanto, no sólo estamos asistiendo a los niños y sus familias, sino a todos los habitantes de estas comunidades marginales que, a causa del confinamiento, se quedan sin suministros básicos.

Así que, al igual que otras ONG de la zona, estamos sumado esfuerzos para ayudarlos a ellos también.

Cada día repartimos esos kits de comida que veis en las fotos. Plátanos, naranjas, pepinos, lentejas, arroz, etc. En definitiva, fruta, verdura fresca y carbohidratos para que puedan mantenerse sanos.

   -  Aquí veis como preparamos los kits →

Os seguiremos informando porque aún queda muchísimo camino por recorrer.

Una vez más,



Update: 15/04/2020.

Amazing! We did not expect this impact that successful that fast. We are thrilled and deeply  from the heart we would like to say THANK YOU. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. This kind of acts make us believe in the goodness of people. Believe In you all.

We still have a long way to keep going, because the bad news we have just learned yesterday is that India extends the confinement, at least, until May 3rd . It’s going to be unsustainable for these communities if we do not continue to take action.

→ Can you please help us to continue spreading our campaign? ←

In order to show our gratitude, we want to show you what Dhirendra and the team of volunteers are doing in the field thanks to your donations:

At the time of starting this campaign we realized that the scenario is very serious; therefore, we are not only assisting the children and their families, but also all the inhabitants of these marginal communities who, because of the lockdown, they don’t have basic supplies.

Like other NGOs in the area, we are joining efforts to help them too.

Every day we distribute those food kits that you see in the pictures below. Bananas, oranges, cucumbers, lentils, rice, etc. In short, fresh fruit and vegetables and carbohydrates so they can stay healthy.

 - Do you want to see how we prepare the kits for every familiy? →

We will keep you updated with the situation because there is still a long way to go.

Once again,




BTEF, Bodhi Tree Educational Foundation, es una ONG situada en Bodhgaya, Bihar, en el norte de India. 

Engloba una escuela (Bodhitree School) y varias guarderías en la zona rural de Bodhgaya, proporcionando educación inclusiva a 700 niños y niñas de las comunidades marginadas de la zona, además de un programa de empoderamiento de la mujer.

Desde España, estamos impulsando esta ONG a nivel internacional porque lo necesitan. Ya antes de esta crisis, el aumento de solicitudes de alumnos sobrepasaba los recursos disponibles, y necesitábamos unirnos para superar el bache. Crear una asociación hermana o potenciar la visibilidad online son algunos de nuestros objetivos, pero llevamos poco tiempo. La nueva web está en construcción, en unas semanas estará disponible.

→ Y esta crisis nos ha cogido desprevenidos. ←

Por eso hemos necesitado la colaboración de nuestros amigos de Alemania para gestionar la campaña. Les que agradecemos profundamente su cooperación para hacer que el dinero llegue cuanto antes. Danke schön Anton and Delia!

Y por eso, también, necesitamos vuestra colaboración.

Nos vemos ante una crisis inesperada y necesitamos fondos para para paliar la situación del coronavirus. Hemos tenido que cerrar el colegio, pero no podemos dejar de cuidar a los niños. Y, además, tenemos que atender también a sus familias para asegurar su estabilidad. Pero nos encontramos ante una falta de fondos.

El fin principal de esta campaña es asegurar: 

  1) Arroz, lentejas, fruta y verdura para todos. Incluidas las familias.
       No pueden perder su comida diaria equilibrada, menos ahora, que sus defensas no pueden caer.
      Tienen que estar más fuertes que nunca.

  2) Medicinas, en particular para nuestros niños con discapacidad. Estos niños necesitan medicamentos de tipo endocrino, mental, etc. y es indispensable que sigan tomándolos.

  3) Tasas hospitalarias en los peores casos. Por suerte, aún no ha sido necesario.

Delia Peiov, se encargará de recoger los fondos y enviarlos a la escuela, a Dhirendra Sharma, el Director de Bodhi Tree School. Él se está encargando de gestionar esta situación en terreno con enorme esfuerzo. GRACIAS.

 ¡Muchísimas gracias por vuestra colaboración! ☻

•  More info about us  •
     The new website, under construction.
     Nueva web, aún en construcción.
       Amazon WishList with soap  in first place (due to this crisis), books, etc. Always open.
       Lista de deseos de Amazon. Con jabón en primer lugar (debido a la crisis), libros, etc. Siempre está abierta.

More questions? You can contact us by mail (English / Spanish)
¿Tienes preguntas? Puedes contactarnos a través del mail (English / Spanish):
[email redacted]  



The BTEF, Bodhi Tree Educational Foundation, is an NGO based in Bodhgaya, Bihar, Northern India.

It runs a school (Bodhitree School) and several kindergartens in the rural part of Bodhgaya, providing inclusive education to 700 children from marginalized village communities in the area, apart from a women empowerment program.

From Spain, we are internationally boosting this NGO because they need it. Before this crisis, the increase of student applications over exceeded the resources, and we needed to join our efforts. Creating the partnership or increasing our visibility online are some of our targets, but we started a short time ago. The new webpage  is under construction, available in a few weeks.

→ And, this crisis has surprised all of us. ←
This is why we have counted on our friends from Germany for managing this crowdfunding campaign. We are very grateful for their cooperation, in sending these funds as soon as possible. Danke schön Anton and Delia!

And, that’s why we also need all your cooperation.

 We are facing an unexpected crisis, and we need funds during coronavirus situation. We have closed our school, but we cannot stop taking care of our children. Furthermore, we want to care also of their families to assure their stability. Unfortunately we are in a lack of funds situation.

The specific aim of this campaign is to ensure:

  1) Rice, lentils, fresh vegetables and fruits for all. Including families.
       They cannot lose the daily meal in this sanitary crisis, specially now, they cannot decrease their natural defenses.
       They must be stronger than ever.

  2) Medicine, particularly for our children with disabilities. These children need medicaments endocrine, mental, etc. It is essential to maintain their treatments.

  3) Hospital fees in worst cases. Fortunately, it has not been needed for the moment.

Delia Palov will collect the funds and will send them to the school, to Dhirendra Sharma, the Bodhi Tree School Principal. He is leading this operation on site, with a really big effort. THANK YOU.

  Thank you all for your collaboration! ☻



  • Ellen Meagher
    • €215
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • €100
    • 1 yr
  • Pedro Fernández Sánchez
    • €450
    • 3 yrs
  • Katharina Heyen
    • €100
    • 3 yrs
  • Maria Kananghinis
    • €90
    • 3 yrs

Fundraising team: Friends of Bodhi Tree School (2)

BTEF Bodhi Tree School
Delia Peiov
Luis Arroyo
Team member

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