Coronavirus Readathon
Tax deductible
Coronavirus Readathon:
Re-Stock the Shelves at the Westside Food Bank, April 2020
I’m Parker, a high school student at home because of Coronavirus in Los Angeles. Food is flying off the shelves at the Westside Food Bank and need is setting record highs. They emailed this week for emergency donations, (see website) and I want to help.
In 4th grade, my class raised over $10,000 in a Walkathon for the Westside Food Bank. We can’t have a group walk now, but we can have a Readathon open to everyone. Read something yourself or sponsor someone to read. The important part is to click the link and donate directly.
At the Westside Food Bank 1 dollar equals 4 meals. There’s no better or more effective way to help people all over Los Angeles right now!
Parker Ehlers
Los Angeles, CA
Westside Food Bank