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Benefit Concert for COVID-19 Relief at Bard

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The coronavirus disease started in December 2019. It was first identified in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in China. The study so far shows that it originated from another animal and subsequently spread between people. Symptoms may include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Up to now, there is no vaccine or specific treatment. Patients are treated with symptoms management and supportive therapy.

Up to Feb 21, 2020, over 75,000 people were diagnosed as patients of coronavirus disease. 2236 people died. Since the first week of the outbreak, the medical supplies have been in shortage. None of the hospitals had enough reserves of medical materials. A lot of medical workers and volunteers were almost unprotected.

As young adults, we want to do something for them. Before this benefit concert, we raised around $12,000 and connected with a hospital in Huanggang. The good news is that the supplies we purchased departed on Feb 21 from Chicago to China. And Huanggang Central Hospital will receive them within a few days. 

Please click the link below
for more info of Benefit Concert for Coronavirus Relief at Bard College: https://www.facebook.com/ziyue.he.9828/posts/101526228115263?__tn__=K-R

Speech from President Leon Botstein at the beginning

With the generous support of Bard College and Bard College Conservatory of Music, we organized a benefit concert within ten days and the result was so inspiring and optimistic that went beyond our expectation.

Zongheng Zhang the Conductor of the Orchestra

1. Sonata-Reminiscenza, Op.38 No.1 /By Nikolai Medtner
2. 丝路驼铃 — The Silk Road Camel. /By Yong Ning
3. 思乡曲 — Nostalgia. /By Sicong Ma
4. 敦煌 — Dun Huang. /By Ying Jiang
5. Orchestra
        a. Flowing Streams. /By Yuankai Bao
        b. Dialogue of Flowers. /By Yuankai Bao
        c. The Dance of Yao People. /By Yuan Mao
        d. The Symphony Overture No.1. /By Xia Guan

Talk from Caroline (Ziyue) He

"Fear is our instinct. The way we conquer it and empower ourselves is to take responsibility, no matter how big or small. Our responsibility is to resist. When society doesn’t encourage us to build real connections, it is a kind of solidarity and resistance that we keep reaching out to each other, and build friendships."

Donation Box

Up to Feb 25, 2020, 0:00 (EST), we raised:
Cash $1807.93 + ¥1000/$142.19 (Exchange rate 2/25)
Venmo $1675.00
Check $170
Total $3795.12
Our online donation channel would be Go Fund Me in the future.



If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email.


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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Ziyue He
Cruger Island, NY
Wenxi Ai

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