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Cory & Mindy Imler and family

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Back in August 2016 Cory Imler started experiencing pain due to kidney stones. That is when they found some abnormalities, which led to testing. The pathology report is in and Cory does not have lymphoma cancer like originally thought. However, the doctor asked them if they wanted the bad news or the really bad news. He told them that lymphoma would be a very treatable and curable disease to deal with. What Cory has is a very advanced stage of a disease called Sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis is a disease discovered about three years ago by lung researchers at Johns Hopkins Hospital. They identified a possible protein trigger responsarcoidosis, a potentially fatal inflammatory disease marked by tiny clumps of inflammatory cells that each year leaves deep, grainy scars on the lungs, lymph nodes, skin and almost all major organs. Mindy describes it most simply as a disease that attacks all of the body's lymph nodes as well as all organs of the body. Cory has a very advanced stage of sarcoidosis, with it already affecting four of his major organs - lungs, liver, spleen, and kidney, as well as his stomach. Doctors are extremely concerned for Cory and the next 3-6 months are critical. Cory's surgeon hasn't seen a case this bad yet in his career.

Only 200,000 people in the United States have this disease, and there is no cure. In fact, he is the only person within Lancaster County to carry this diagnosis. Doctors are working hard to come up with a cure. Cory is looking at oxygen treatments, IV treatment, steroids and possibly additional surgeries.

Cory is uncertain about work because he is still having trouble breathing and is so tired.

Cory and Mindy have weathered a lot of storms in their lives. They have found a faith in Jesus that sustains them and ask for your prayers on their behalf as they weather one more storm. Of course, they are concerned about financially surviving all of this. These new medical expenses are added to many they already have from previous health issues Mindy has had. Many people have been asking how to help. Their financial situation is definitely a "need," and one way that you can help to take some of this burden from their shoulders.

They are extremely grateful for all the support and the prayers, and ask that you please keep covering them in prayer. The road ahead is long for them. Mindy adds this: "WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF PRAYER!"

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
1 Thes. 5:16-18

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    • $400
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Jamie Lusby
Leola, PA
Cory Imler

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