Cottrell Family Legal Defense Fund
The Cottrell family is in need of funding in order to obtain legal representation. Without going into the details of the story, the State Police, while conducting an investigation about something said at school demanded that the family turn over their legally owned, obtained and properly secured firearms. Thankfully, Mr. Cottrell maintained his calm demeanor and refused to permit such without due process. In order to get the police to leave his home, he agreed to store his property elsewhere.
Legal representation will allow Mr. Cottrell to push back on this due process violation. Remember friends, a man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client, and as recorded in State v. Pelleteri "When dealing with guns, the citizen acts at his peril."
Representation is necessary, and Mr. Cottrell is a disabled Army Veteran who is not on public assistance, but lives a meager lifestyle with his family. Anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for supporting his family, and the 2A cause in NJ.