Covid Clean Isolation Systems
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Go Fund Me Covid Clean
Lets Show The World What Minnesota Is Really Made Of!
Covid Clean is a pre-501(C)(3) nonprofit in Minnesota near Minneapolis that has been working on Covid-19 solutions since early March. They have designed the world’s most advanced mobile and modular ultraviolet germicidal irradiation air-purifying temporary negative pressure isolation (UVGI-AP-TNPI) systems that can be rapidly produced with decentralized production throughout the world. These systems are so effective at isolating patients from others that the risk of airborne infection transfer from and to patients can be reduced considerably. In fact, the systems are so effective they have the potential to reduce surgical associated infection if used in a surgical setting. The US loses about 90,000 lives per year due to Healthcare-Associated Infections every year with a cost between $28-48Billion Annually.
The modular nature of the systems allows any room or space that has sufficient space and access to electricity to become an effective isolation unit. The systems have been designed to fit within the average-sized hospital room in the US so no special construction is needed outside of the assembly of the isolation systems themselves and follow construction codes in place for hospitals. The systems utilize a modular frame of wood and a polycarbonate shell. Wood was chosen due to its flexible use and availability throughout the world. By choosing wood one of the largest components can be produced by local communities without the bottleneck of centralized production. The special blend of polycarbonate adds unique characteristics that allow beneficial bands of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit while blocking the bands that are not desired.
The system allows the following spectrum to transmit;
90+% of the Visual Light Spectrum (VIS).
Near-Infrared (N-IR, used in remote controls).
Various Wireless Energy (including IR Lasers).
Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS).
Wireless Telecommunications (Telecom).
Radio Frequency (RF, used in wireless headphones).
The system blocks;
100% Ultraviolet Light under 380nm. (Just below the human visual light spectrum).
Possible lower radiation such as X-Ray and Gamma.
The system also has the following beneficial properties;
250x Stronger than Glass. Flexibility in cold and hot conditions.
Sound absorbing. Up to 20db loss with a single thin pane.
Very High Fire Rating. Up to UL-94 rating for the PC and use of naturally fire-resistant Douglas-Fir wood construction.
Extremely Effective Irradiation Chamber to deactivate airborne biohazard. The degree of effectiveness the system performs this function allows air to be released back into the outside room without the need to be ventilated out a window or into an overpressurized HVAC system for the first time. The pandemic plan is to utilize a fan and filter that sits on the floor and a flexible duct attached to plywood that sits inside of a window or the air is blown into an HVAC system. The issues with this approach are the loss of energy in heated and cooled air loss or the overpressurization of the designed HVAC system which may lead to infectious leaks. Other typical systems used are called upper-room ultraviolet irradiation. These systems transmit a UVGI energy field above the patient. However, the patient is exposed to small amounts of this hazardous radiation. No regulation exists on exposure limits. The Covid Clean systems allow the complete containment of this energy and use a special and rarely used reflective material within the irradiation chamber to increase reflectivity up to 99%, while most systems use aluminum that reflects only up to 73% if used in a polished aluminum foil. Every time the radiation bounces off of the surface it losses 1% of the energy as compared to 27% which significantly increases the effectiveness of biohazard deactivation.
Multiple Filter Setup. Pre-Filters, Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) filters, and HEPA or MERV-16 filters that can scrub the air of particles down to 300nm to 99.7%. Covid-19 is around 125nm in size. Once the air has been filtered the irradiation chamber can irradiate the virus unimpeded by larger particles. The filter setup also allows the reversing of the airflow to create a positive pressure room that can be used in surgical operations to effectively isolate the patient from airborne infection.
Quiet Operation. The system uses a multi-speed inline fan that has a sound rating that can be as quiet as a library. (under 28Dba). The noise the fans make compared to the airflow rate are industry-leading levels.
Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis (CFD). The system was tested through several rounds of CFD analysis run on industry supercomputers. The findings show optimal airflow over a patient and exhausted out in the shortest path possible. This allows nurses who enter the isolation room to be upstream of the infectious patient at all times.
Industry First UVGI-AP-TNPI calculator. The calculator can be used as a stand-alone or within the system to monitor parameters and adust airflow rates.
Wireless monitoring. If parameters are broken and are unable to recover, warnings can be issued wirelessly to a central station and recorded. The bulbs intensity can be monitored as luminance reduces through its life cycle and plan scheduled changes. The system can be monitored and adjusted with a $50 tablet or on a cell phone. Parameters that may be measured are air pressure, temperature, humidity, airflow, irradiation levels within the chamber, and infrared sensors to shut the system off if someone sticks their hand within the unit during maintenance without shutting the system off first.
Exterior use of UVGI. The special properties of the polycarbonate shell allow an autonomous mobile robot (AMR, for instance, a cheap AMR vacuum cleaner with a UVGI light affixed) to disinfect the exterior room without the need to remove the patient. Currently, UVGI is used in some hospitals to disinfect a room but with a patient removed and usually only used between use. This ability allows constant disinfection of exterior rooms.
Wireless functionality. Since the shell allows visible light, wireless energy, and communication signals to transmit, the system does not need interior electric service. (The UVGI-AP’s on the exterior need electrical service). This allows the patient to watch TV on a monitor outside of the unit, control it via a remote, listen to sound via wireless headphones, receive cell phone calls, charge their devices wirelessly all while cleaning breathe clean air, and not feeling claustrophobic as is the case with a plastic bag over your head or a small curtain pulled around you.
For more critical needs a service panel that is similar to what you find on a hospital wall can be installed.
Decentralized Production. The design allows HVAC fabricators around the world to rapidly produce the case for the UVGI-AP’s. No complicated design or centralized production needs. However, with this needed decentralized approach there are issues with quality control that will need to be addressed.
Locally Built. All of the components can be found within the US and shipped within a short period of time. UVGI lights were of concern since the largest US companies offshored 100% of this vital manufacturing ability and caused a shortage in supply that was months out. The US spends 700B a year on defense and knew a pandemic was likely yet failed to secure the most effective mitigating factor; UVGI lights. Covid Clean spent weeks to find and secure a US-based manufacturer of UVGI lights. We should not allow this weakness going forward.
Recyclable. The wood, polycarbonate, and metal can be recycled or easily reused.
National Stockpile. Due to the value and mobile nature of the systems a supply can be held in emergency stockpiles.
Cost-effective. Depending on Size and Options the systems can range from $5,000 to $15,000 per system with an average between those two. Compare this with a small tent that sells for $20,000 that only protects the birds in the trees and not a nurse from a patient, a $45,000 ventilator, $40,000 a day hospital stays, and an economy that is severely stressed. Recently the US spent $600 million to purchase systems that can clean protective masks so they may be used several times. Our systems are more effective than a mask and can be reused for many years. If all 62,000 units are constructed (10 per medical care facility) would cost less than $500 million.
Isolation Capacity. Normal Isolation Room capacity in the US is between 42-43k however the If we push out 62,000 of these robust units the value is obvious.
The total value of the US economy is around $55-Billion PER DAY. The cost of this project is 1% of that value. If we recover only one day faster the return on investment (ROI) could be significant.
For the past two months, Covid Clean has built an extensive international network of experts to assist in the effort. On the team is a former Professor of BioPhysics with extensive radiation experience who taught for 20 years near Chernobyl, Ukraine, several more degreed in Physics, 2 Ph.D.’s in Material Science, Electrical Engineering, Data Science, Fluid Dynamic experts, a dual Ph.D. in Cognitive and Behavioral Science, Visual Communication, Professional Writers, Patent Attorneys, IT, award-winning web-designers, graphic artists and various other talents.
The board consist of the President, CEO, and Founder who started Covid Clean who is in school for Philosophy and Computer Science. His educational background focused on Logic, Ethics, Consciousness, Wave Structure of Matter, Happiness, Technology & Society, Entrepreneurship, Physical Health, and Love. The Treasurer is a Logistics Expert with C.H. Robinson Worldwide who holds a degree in Accounting. The Secretary is going to Harvard University in the Fall for International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies.
A network of industry-leading global manufacturers has been in communication with Covid Clean over the past several months. Dedicated supply lines have been and are being formed. From Minneapolis, Minnesota based 3M, Bayor (for owning polycarbonate manufacturer Makrolon), a US-based VGA bulb manufacturer, VOC filter patent holders, fan manufacturers, and many others. Covid Clean has also spoken directly to the leaders of the Carpenters Union to assist with their extensive and capable Union members. They have recently hired an infection control expert.
Covid Clean started and still operates as a pre-501(C)(3) nonprofit. This status may not be indefinite but during the global crisis, the founder felt saving lives was more important than monetary gain.
To complete the mission Covid Clean needs outside funding. As of the end of May, 99% of the project has been funded by the founder out of personal savings, auto refinances, student financial aid, and his financial stimulus check everyone received. The founder is a believer in a holographic universe (possibly simulation) and intelligent life outside of both our dimension and solar system. Due to this belief in the immaterial, material gain is not of high concern. Further, his study on the science and Philosophy of Happiness has lead him to focus on action and experience rather than financial gain. Happiness plateaus around $75k a year in the US and accounts for only around 25% of the pie of happiness. The other 75% is what you do, who you do it with, your current purpose, and having a continually changing horizon of experience. He believes the only constant in the universe is change, and that we are all part of the universe experiencing itself. There is no such thing as space or time but merely perceptions of it. Effectively we are all one, like flowers on a tree of consciousness.
More information about Covid Clean can be found at www.Covid-19-Clean.Org.
Please open your heart and mind and contribute to this valuable cause. We are asking the US to donate 1% of what it makes in a day. Initial donations will be used to expand operations. Then funding campaigns will be opened for every state so funds and systems are directed to the state for which the donations were intended. After this, global operations will commence.
To be clear: We need funds to complete this mission. We need to purchase the materials to build several additional system configurations. The cost of a complete system is $5-15k USD depending on the configuration. We will then finalize and create a digital instruction manual on how to build the system. This will include materials, processes, suggested places to purchase, and the approximate cost. We will include a list of contacts with the manufacturers of components. We will also need to continue and refine our electronic control system. This was held off due to funding restriction as only the founder has been funding the project and needed to prioritize areas for development. This will take additional software programming and the purchase of additional sensor components for testing. It is possible to have a simple system without sensors but the cost to completely develop this capability is surprisingly cheap. When we fully build several models we will be able to refine the design so every community can build it with ease. We expect with full funding this would take several weeks to complete which is the perfect time for full operational deployment.
Lets Show The World What Minnesota Is Really Made Of!
Covid Clean is a pre-501(C)(3) nonprofit in Minnesota near Minneapolis that has been working on Covid-19 solutions since early March. They have designed the world’s most advanced mobile and modular ultraviolet germicidal irradiation air-purifying temporary negative pressure isolation (UVGI-AP-TNPI) systems that can be rapidly produced with decentralized production throughout the world. These systems are so effective at isolating patients from others that the risk of airborne infection transfer from and to patients can be reduced considerably. In fact, the systems are so effective they have the potential to reduce surgical associated infection if used in a surgical setting. The US loses about 90,000 lives per year due to Healthcare-Associated Infections every year with a cost between $28-48Billion Annually.
The modular nature of the systems allows any room or space that has sufficient space and access to electricity to become an effective isolation unit. The systems have been designed to fit within the average-sized hospital room in the US so no special construction is needed outside of the assembly of the isolation systems themselves and follow construction codes in place for hospitals. The systems utilize a modular frame of wood and a polycarbonate shell. Wood was chosen due to its flexible use and availability throughout the world. By choosing wood one of the largest components can be produced by local communities without the bottleneck of centralized production. The special blend of polycarbonate adds unique characteristics that allow beneficial bands of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit while blocking the bands that are not desired.
The system allows the following spectrum to transmit;
90+% of the Visual Light Spectrum (VIS).
Near-Infrared (N-IR, used in remote controls).
Various Wireless Energy (including IR Lasers).
Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS).
Wireless Telecommunications (Telecom).
Radio Frequency (RF, used in wireless headphones).
The system blocks;
100% Ultraviolet Light under 380nm. (Just below the human visual light spectrum).
Possible lower radiation such as X-Ray and Gamma.
The system also has the following beneficial properties;
250x Stronger than Glass. Flexibility in cold and hot conditions.
Sound absorbing. Up to 20db loss with a single thin pane.
Very High Fire Rating. Up to UL-94 rating for the PC and use of naturally fire-resistant Douglas-Fir wood construction.
Extremely Effective Irradiation Chamber to deactivate airborne biohazard. The degree of effectiveness the system performs this function allows air to be released back into the outside room without the need to be ventilated out a window or into an overpressurized HVAC system for the first time. The pandemic plan is to utilize a fan and filter that sits on the floor and a flexible duct attached to plywood that sits inside of a window or the air is blown into an HVAC system. The issues with this approach are the loss of energy in heated and cooled air loss or the overpressurization of the designed HVAC system which may lead to infectious leaks. Other typical systems used are called upper-room ultraviolet irradiation. These systems transmit a UVGI energy field above the patient. However, the patient is exposed to small amounts of this hazardous radiation. No regulation exists on exposure limits. The Covid Clean systems allow the complete containment of this energy and use a special and rarely used reflective material within the irradiation chamber to increase reflectivity up to 99%, while most systems use aluminum that reflects only up to 73% if used in a polished aluminum foil. Every time the radiation bounces off of the surface it losses 1% of the energy as compared to 27% which significantly increases the effectiveness of biohazard deactivation.
Multiple Filter Setup. Pre-Filters, Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) filters, and HEPA or MERV-16 filters that can scrub the air of particles down to 300nm to 99.7%. Covid-19 is around 125nm in size. Once the air has been filtered the irradiation chamber can irradiate the virus unimpeded by larger particles. The filter setup also allows the reversing of the airflow to create a positive pressure room that can be used in surgical operations to effectively isolate the patient from airborne infection.
Quiet Operation. The system uses a multi-speed inline fan that has a sound rating that can be as quiet as a library. (under 28Dba). The noise the fans make compared to the airflow rate are industry-leading levels.
Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis (CFD). The system was tested through several rounds of CFD analysis run on industry supercomputers. The findings show optimal airflow over a patient and exhausted out in the shortest path possible. This allows nurses who enter the isolation room to be upstream of the infectious patient at all times.
Industry First UVGI-AP-TNPI calculator. The calculator can be used as a stand-alone or within the system to monitor parameters and adust airflow rates.
Wireless monitoring. If parameters are broken and are unable to recover, warnings can be issued wirelessly to a central station and recorded. The bulbs intensity can be monitored as luminance reduces through its life cycle and plan scheduled changes. The system can be monitored and adjusted with a $50 tablet or on a cell phone. Parameters that may be measured are air pressure, temperature, humidity, airflow, irradiation levels within the chamber, and infrared sensors to shut the system off if someone sticks their hand within the unit during maintenance without shutting the system off first.
Exterior use of UVGI. The special properties of the polycarbonate shell allow an autonomous mobile robot (AMR, for instance, a cheap AMR vacuum cleaner with a UVGI light affixed) to disinfect the exterior room without the need to remove the patient. Currently, UVGI is used in some hospitals to disinfect a room but with a patient removed and usually only used between use. This ability allows constant disinfection of exterior rooms.
Wireless functionality. Since the shell allows visible light, wireless energy, and communication signals to transmit, the system does not need interior electric service. (The UVGI-AP’s on the exterior need electrical service). This allows the patient to watch TV on a monitor outside of the unit, control it via a remote, listen to sound via wireless headphones, receive cell phone calls, charge their devices wirelessly all while cleaning breathe clean air, and not feeling claustrophobic as is the case with a plastic bag over your head or a small curtain pulled around you.
For more critical needs a service panel that is similar to what you find on a hospital wall can be installed.
Decentralized Production. The design allows HVAC fabricators around the world to rapidly produce the case for the UVGI-AP’s. No complicated design or centralized production needs. However, with this needed decentralized approach there are issues with quality control that will need to be addressed.
Locally Built. All of the components can be found within the US and shipped within a short period of time. UVGI lights were of concern since the largest US companies offshored 100% of this vital manufacturing ability and caused a shortage in supply that was months out. The US spends 700B a year on defense and knew a pandemic was likely yet failed to secure the most effective mitigating factor; UVGI lights. Covid Clean spent weeks to find and secure a US-based manufacturer of UVGI lights. We should not allow this weakness going forward.
Recyclable. The wood, polycarbonate, and metal can be recycled or easily reused.
National Stockpile. Due to the value and mobile nature of the systems a supply can be held in emergency stockpiles.
Cost-effective. Depending on Size and Options the systems can range from $5,000 to $15,000 per system with an average between those two. Compare this with a small tent that sells for $20,000 that only protects the birds in the trees and not a nurse from a patient, a $45,000 ventilator, $40,000 a day hospital stays, and an economy that is severely stressed. Recently the US spent $600 million to purchase systems that can clean protective masks so they may be used several times. Our systems are more effective than a mask and can be reused for many years. If all 62,000 units are constructed (10 per medical care facility) would cost less than $500 million.
Isolation Capacity. Normal Isolation Room capacity in the US is between 42-43k however the If we push out 62,000 of these robust units the value is obvious.
The total value of the US economy is around $55-Billion PER DAY. The cost of this project is 1% of that value. If we recover only one day faster the return on investment (ROI) could be significant.
For the past two months, Covid Clean has built an extensive international network of experts to assist in the effort. On the team is a former Professor of BioPhysics with extensive radiation experience who taught for 20 years near Chernobyl, Ukraine, several more degreed in Physics, 2 Ph.D.’s in Material Science, Electrical Engineering, Data Science, Fluid Dynamic experts, a dual Ph.D. in Cognitive and Behavioral Science, Visual Communication, Professional Writers, Patent Attorneys, IT, award-winning web-designers, graphic artists and various other talents.
The board consist of the President, CEO, and Founder who started Covid Clean who is in school for Philosophy and Computer Science. His educational background focused on Logic, Ethics, Consciousness, Wave Structure of Matter, Happiness, Technology & Society, Entrepreneurship, Physical Health, and Love. The Treasurer is a Logistics Expert with C.H. Robinson Worldwide who holds a degree in Accounting. The Secretary is going to Harvard University in the Fall for International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies.
A network of industry-leading global manufacturers has been in communication with Covid Clean over the past several months. Dedicated supply lines have been and are being formed. From Minneapolis, Minnesota based 3M, Bayor (for owning polycarbonate manufacturer Makrolon), a US-based VGA bulb manufacturer, VOC filter patent holders, fan manufacturers, and many others. Covid Clean has also spoken directly to the leaders of the Carpenters Union to assist with their extensive and capable Union members. They have recently hired an infection control expert.
Covid Clean started and still operates as a pre-501(C)(3) nonprofit. This status may not be indefinite but during the global crisis, the founder felt saving lives was more important than monetary gain.
To complete the mission Covid Clean needs outside funding. As of the end of May, 99% of the project has been funded by the founder out of personal savings, auto refinances, student financial aid, and his financial stimulus check everyone received. The founder is a believer in a holographic universe (possibly simulation) and intelligent life outside of both our dimension and solar system. Due to this belief in the immaterial, material gain is not of high concern. Further, his study on the science and Philosophy of Happiness has lead him to focus on action and experience rather than financial gain. Happiness plateaus around $75k a year in the US and accounts for only around 25% of the pie of happiness. The other 75% is what you do, who you do it with, your current purpose, and having a continually changing horizon of experience. He believes the only constant in the universe is change, and that we are all part of the universe experiencing itself. There is no such thing as space or time but merely perceptions of it. Effectively we are all one, like flowers on a tree of consciousness.
More information about Covid Clean can be found at www.Covid-19-Clean.Org.
Please open your heart and mind and contribute to this valuable cause. We are asking the US to donate 1% of what it makes in a day. Initial donations will be used to expand operations. Then funding campaigns will be opened for every state so funds and systems are directed to the state for which the donations were intended. After this, global operations will commence.
To be clear: We need funds to complete this mission. We need to purchase the materials to build several additional system configurations. The cost of a complete system is $5-15k USD depending on the configuration. We will then finalize and create a digital instruction manual on how to build the system. This will include materials, processes, suggested places to purchase, and the approximate cost. We will include a list of contacts with the manufacturers of components. We will also need to continue and refine our electronic control system. This was held off due to funding restriction as only the founder has been funding the project and needed to prioritize areas for development. This will take additional software programming and the purchase of additional sensor components for testing. It is possible to have a simple system without sensors but the cost to completely develop this capability is surprisingly cheap. When we fully build several models we will be able to refine the design so every community can build it with ease. We expect with full funding this would take several weeks to complete which is the perfect time for full operational deployment.
Nicolas Bouri
Elk River, MN