Mutual Aid Los Angeles Network
Tax deductible
WE'VE CHANGED DONATION PLATFORMS (and fiscal sponsors:) Please DONATE here!
Mutual Aid LA Network is a connector and information hub for mutual aid efforts and needs across Los Angeles. We believe in an abundant world that can be freed of oppression through community solidarity.
When you donate to MALAN your funds go toward…
Hygiene Hello!: We’re always on the hunt for free hygiene supplies (shampoo, sunscreen, personal care wipes, nail files, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.), donated by a company, your favorite dentist or your neighbor who travels a lot and never uses the hotel freebies. What we can’t source for free, we purchase. We do this until we have enough supply to hold a Hygiene Hello! Kit Build where we assemble over 200 hygiene kits to go out to unhoused folks throughout Los Angeles county. Builds occur every ~6 weeks.
Supplies for Unhoused Neighbors: This group isn’t based in just one neighborhood, so between those of us that live in The Valley and those of us that live in Palms or Echo Park, we cover a lot of ground. Many of us engage in consistent outreach to our unhoused neighbors, which often means distributing food, clothing, socks and shoes and supplies like tents, tarps, towels, blankets and pillows, most of which we source for free. Similar to the hygiene kits, we purchase what we aren’t able to source and funds raised here go toward that.
Produce in the Park: A weekly food distribution event where rescued produce goes out to members of the community of University Park near USC and to community fridges throughout Los Angeles. This is a low-cost operation but money is needed for water and sometimes for clear produce bags.
Redi$tribution to other Mutual Aid Groups: We are constantly learning about, collaborating with and developing relationships with so many amazing groups doing vital, life-affirming work throughout the county and we love to share any wealth that comes in so that comrades all over LA can keep caring for their communities. We are a network after all!
Direct Cash Aid: Nobody knows an individual’s needs/wants better than that individual. So in a world that makes accessing money incredibly difficult for members of communities marginalized by race, class, gender, and/or immigration status, amongst other identities, we believe in the importance of giving cash straight up, no strings attached.
For more info and ways to get involved (it’s definitely not just money that powers this thing) check out our website and Instagram!
Thanks and we love you <3

Mutual Aid LA Network
Los Angeles, CA
People Organized for Westside Renewal