
TN COVID-19 Support for Ethiopia
Tax deductible
ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነው!
ለተጨማሪ መረጃ የሚከተለውን ቪድዮ ይመልከቱ፡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pqv1EPCCZg&t=28s
በዓለማችን ላይ በከፍተኛ ፍጥነት እየተሰራጨ ያለው የኮሮና ቫይረስ እያደረሰ ያለው ጥፋትና እልቂት ከማናችንም የተሰወረ አይደለም። ይህ ከግማሽ ሚሊዮን ህዝብ በላይ ውድ እና ክቡር የሆነውን ህይወቱን እንዲያጣ ምክንያት የሆነ በሽታ በአሁኑ ጊዜ በኢትዮጵያም በከፍተኛ ፍጥነት እየተዛመተ ይገኛል። ከኢትዮጵያ ነባራዊ ሁኔታ አንጻር ወረርሽኙ በህዝቡ ላይ እያመጣ ያለው የጤና፣ የኢኮኖሚያዊ እና ማህበራዊ ቀውስ ቀላል እንዳልሆነ ሁላችንም እንረዳለን። በአሁኑ ሰዓት ብዙ ሰዎች ከስራ ተፈናቅለዋል፣ ነጋዴዎች በቂ አቅርቦት ማግኘትት ተስኗቸዋል፣ የንግድ ስራዎች ተዘግተዋል፣ በወረርሺኙ ምክንያት ብዙዎች ከቤት መውጣት ባለመቻላቸው የዕለት ጉርሳቸውን ማግኘት ተስኗቸዋል፡፡ አገሪቱ ከገባችበት የጤና እና የምጣኔ ሃብት ቀዉስ ለመውጣት ከፍተኛ የገንዘብ እርዳታ እና ርብርብ የሚያስፈልግበት ጊዜ በመሆኑ ሃገራዊ የእርዳታ ጥሪ ለሁላችንም ቀርቧል፡፡ ለዚህም የአምባሳደር ፍፁም አረጋን የጥሪ መልዕክት ይህን በመጫን ማዳመጥ ይቻላል። https://youtu.be/tWfs20If0iw የሃገራዊን የእርዳታ ጥሪ ተቀብሎ በቴኔሲ የተቋቋመው የእርዳታ ማሰባሰቢያ ግብረ ኃይል ጥሪውን ባስቸኳይ እንድትቀላቀሉ ይማጸናል። ግብረ ኃይሉ የሚያሰባስበው እርዳታ በ People to People አጋዥነት ተሰብስቦ በዋሽንግተን፣ ዲሲ በሚገኘው የኢትዮጵያ ኤምባሲ አማካኝነት ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ተልኮ ከላይ ለተጠቀሰው አላማ እንዲውል ይደረጋል፡፡
ወቅቱ ዳር ላይ ቆመን የምንታዘብበት ሳይሆን አባቶቻችን “ድር ቢያብር አንበሳ ያስር” እንዲሉ ተባብረን እና ተደጋግፈን ይህን ከባድ ጊዜ በጋራ ለመሻገር የበኩላችንን ጠጠር የምንጥልበት ነው። ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነውና ለጊዜው ያሉንን ልዩነቶች ወደ ጎን በመተው ለኢትዮጵያውያን ወገኖቻችን በፍጥነት እንድረስላቸው!
ለሚያደርጉት ወገናዊም ሆነ ሰብዓዊ እርዳታ ታላቅ ምስጋናችንን እናቀርባለን።
ማሳሰቢያ! እርዳታ በሚያደርጉበት ጊዜ ጎ-ፈንድ-ሚ የሚጠይቅዎትን ተጨማሪ ችሮታ (ቲፕ) መክፈል አይኖርብዎትም። ተጨማሪ ችሮታው (ቲፕ) ለእኛ ገቢ አይሆንም። ቲፕ ሳይጨምሩ እርዳታዎን ለመስጠት የሚከተለውን ያድርጉ፤ ‘TIP’ ከሚለው መስመር ‘OTHER’ የሚለውን ከመረጡ በኋላ በቲፑ ሳጥን ውስጥ ዜሮ (0.0) ከሞሉ በኋላ የእርዳታውን ገንዘብ በእርዳታው ቦታ ብቻ ይሙሉ
COVID-19 Support for Ethiopia!
The devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is spreading rapidly around the world, is no secret. This disease, which has cost more than half a million lives, is now spreading rapidly in Ethiopia, causing health, economic, and social crisis already. Many people are now unemployed, traders are not getting enough supplies, businesses are closed, many are unable to leave their homes and earn a living. A call for national assistance has been made to all of us as the country is in a time of great financial need to get out of a health and economic crisis. You may listen to Ambassador Fitsum Arega’s appeal by clicking here. https://youtu.be/tWfs20If0iw. In response to this appeal to the community, a task force has been organized in Tennessee to mobilize financial and material resources for the fight against COVID-19 in Ethiopia and urges you to join the call immediately. The funds will be collected with the assistance of People to People Inc, and sent to Ethiopia by the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington, DC.
It is not a time to stand on the sides, but time to join hands and support our people and country. Let’s follow our forefather’s wisdom “Dir Biabir Anbessa Yasir” to underline the vitality of unity and cooperation to overcome this difficult time. Let's reach out to our fellow Ethiopians as soon as possible and do our part, leaving aside our differences for the time being.
Thank you in advance for your generous support to this cause that means so much to us!
Note! You do not have to pay the additional tip that Go-Fund-Me requires when you donate. The additional tip will not be earned by the Task Force or its partner organization. To help without adding a tip, do the following: Just select 'OTHER' from the 'TIP' line and fill in the zero (0.0) in the TIP box.
COVID-19 Support for Ethiopia: Tennessee Task Force
*More information about People to People, Inc. (Our Partner): People to People (P2P) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care and reducing the spread of diseases, particularly in Ethiopia and in diaspora communities. P2P has no political, ethnic, or religious affiliation. P2P works to mobilize the global Ethiopian diaspora to play an active role in mitigating the impact of brain drain and to ignite a passion for realizing our shared responsibility to give back.
Fundraising team: TN Taskforce (10)
Tennessee Task force
Nolensville, TN
People to People, Inc.
Abraham Derbo
Team member
Gashaw Bekele
Team member
Meshesha Girma
Team member
Emnet Asmare
Team member