
COVID-19 Survival Fund for the People
Donation protected
Who are we?
We are regular folks in Seattle and King County who have been active in various organizing campaigns, mutual aid work, and more importantly, in community with each other. This is a result of love for the community. We are a collective of volunteers, not a non-profit. That means no overhead, every dollar is going towards groceries, supplies, and direct support.
Like us on Facebook!
Follow us on Instagram!
Spanish Version below - Version en español abajo -
Our love for each other is greater than capitalism’s lack of effective planning. In Seattle, we have created a COVID19 Mutual Aid group, which aims to organize material support. Immediately we are providing grocery and supply deliveries. We are preparing to expand this to running errands, dog walking, childcare, caregiving, and mental/emotional support among people impacted by the pandemic. We are acting alongside those globally to show that our communities take care of each other and we also take care of ourselves. We can’t allow greed to guide our actions. We need healing love and compassion for one another.
Let’s be clear, this is solidarity, not charity. In the absence of larger structural changes, such efforts will not be nearly enough and could burn out the people involved. So we are also supporting workplace organizing efforts, demanding paid time off, quarantine pay, etc. We know that undocumented communities will be one of the most exposed groups with the least government support. Undocumented workers frequently experience abuse by their employers and may not report their needs for fear of reprisals. We will prioritize those most vulnerable, those who are undocumented, disabled, elderly, houseless, BIPOC, queer and trans, sex workers, and communities displaced by gentrification.
And we are also putting pressure on the system at large, calling for widespread free testing for COVID19, moratoriums on deportations, sweeps, evictions, and new bookings into jails and prisons. We demand closure of the NW Detention Center, that property developers with empty apartments give free housing until the crisis is over, and REAL resource redistribution from large corporations.
The direct mutual aid caring work involved in these efforts requires material resources, and those must be provided immediately by Amazon, Microsoft and other large corporations who have made the city prone to such a crisis. We are here because of years of austerity, and Big Tech regressive taxes. The housing crisis and systematic divestment of the state from the essential functions of service and housing, is a product of neoliberal, austerity measures. Big Tech and capitalism drove that. We don't need charity from them. We need big tech to payback. They should be transferring many, many millions, if not billions of dollars into such efforts so that neighborhood care stations can be set up with testing, food, and emotional support, so that houseless people can access housing immediately, and people can practice social distancing without losing their jobs or becoming houseless.
Where will the money from COVID-19 Survival Fund for the People go?
We are currently funding up to $50 (per request) for grocery / supply home deliveries per household.
We will be directly giving financial support (via Venmo, CashApp, and Cash) to Undocumented, LGBTQI, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Elderly, and Disabled, folxs who are bearing the brunt of this social crisis and self-organizing. The financial support we are providing is for our most vulnerable communities to use as an emergency fund as they are the most impacted during the Covid19 pandemic. We are chose to deliver the funds via Venmo, CashApp and Cash, because we want our communities to have the flexibility to use the emergency funds for what they believe is most important to them.
Seattle Request forms:
English (English): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rOkXW6ElVT0MH9oSI-TuW8L5szCt-ULbZhWebARRZNI/viewform
Español (Spanish): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MzBXABqWfHFQNwGcczVBb8r41OLBgojYO706PzlAAPs/viewform
አማርኛ (Amharic): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/198xWJ7wbTnIZZgnCbBFB447JYSyP8OUxv79ldZiz1h4/viewform
ትግርኛ (Tigrinya): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLbPVQ-YNyUvRcwOXIpwM7-4YJZyA8fNU6JIEDs_YU2dKV1w/viewform
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1crKqWWUmUZQOLTWCRXhhopdKy5_S1W4ZmkLwIMYLvsw/viewform
Seattle Volunteer forms:
English (English): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16ESS-9g9S58wpEGavsGu3aj6LnhvVYNdJJd-Qp_PfUY/viewform
Español (Spanish): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Peh9KEnZ0EFF7j4mV8opmG345hpo5s49DnsBJbVAiBY/viewform
አማርኛ (Amharic): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FiOtf2cwUr7ZDbnpVH_OpdzAORBNp2fKYtibf0QAuOQ/viewform
ትግርኛ (Tigrinya): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ohZqiW5k9L0mfxSRbdJo_pXJOZIPP03MY_P6pSAPQrs/viewform
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EAdyq-vcW803i9MMoceyd9WgTsds6zs1--asljcTLZM/viewform
About the fundraising Team: WE ARE A COLLECTIVE. We aim to cultivate a politics of autonomy, international solidarity, and mutual aid within a long-term creative resilient multi-generational horizon of decolonial, anti-capitalist, feminist, queer, disability, and sex worker liberation.
About the team member: JM Wong - From Seattle, WA, Nico from Seattle, WA, M Mork from Seattle, WA and Rosario Lopez from Seattle, WA. We are all members of the Covid19 Mutual Aid group.
----------------------------------SPANISH VERSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nuestro amor es mas grande que la falta de planificación efectiva del capitalismo. En Seattle, hemos creado un grupo de ayuda mutua COVID19, en cual el objetivo es organizarnos para apoyo material. Inmediatamente ahorita estamos haciendo entregas de comida y materiales. Nos estamos preparando para expandir esto para hacer mandados, caminar a su mascota, cuidar niños, cuidar y brindar apoyo mental / emocional entre las personas afectadas por la pandemia. Estamos actuando junto a los de todxs en el mundo para mostrar que nuestras comunidades se cuidan entre sí y también nos cuidamos nosotros mismos. No podemos permitir que la codicia guíe nuestras acciones. Necesitamos amor curativo y compasión para cada quien.
Seamos claros, esto es solidaridad, no caridad. En la ausencia de cambios estructurales más grandes, tales esfuerzos no serán suficientes y podrían consumir las personas involucradas. Por lo tanto, también estamos apoyando los esfuerzos de organización del lugar de trabajo, exigiendo tiempo libre pagado, pago de cuarentena, etc. Sabemos que las comunidades indocumentadas serán uno de los grupos más expuestos con el menor apoyo del gobierno. Los trabajadores indocumentadxs con frecuencia sufren abusos por parte de sus empleadores y muchas veces no informan sus necesidades por temor a represalias. Priorizaremos a los más vulnerables, lxs indocumentadxs, discapacitadxs, ancianxs, gente sin hogar, BIPOC, queer y trans, trabajadores sexuales y comunidades desplazadas por la gentrificación.
Y también estamos presionando al sistema en general, exigiendo pruebas gratuitas de salud generalizadas para COVID19, moratorias de deportaciones, barridos de campamentos, desalojos y nuevas reservas en las cárceles y prisiones. Exigimos el cierre del Centro de Detención del Noroeste, que los propietarios con apartamentos vacíos proporcionen viviendas gratuitas hasta que termine la crisis, y la redistribución REAL de los recursos de las grandes corporaciones.
El trabajo de cuidado directo de ayuda mutua en estos esfuerzos requiere recursos materiales, y Amazon, Microsoft y otras grandes corporaciones que han hecho que la ciudad sea propensa a tal crisis deben proporcionarlos inmediatamente. Estamos aquí por años de austeridad e impuestos regresivos de Big Tech. La crisis de vivienda y la desinversión sistemática del estado de las funciones esenciales, es producto de medidas de austeridad neoliberales. La Gran Tecnología y el capitalismo impulsaron eso. No necesitamos caridad de ellos. Necesitamos que las corporaciones de Gran tecnología paguen. Deberían estar transfiriendo miles de millones, si no billones de dólares a los esfuerzos para que se puedan establecer estaciones de atención médica en el vecindario con pruebas gratituas, alimentos y apoyo emocional, para que las personas sin hogar puedan estar en una vivienda de inmediato, y las personas puedan practicar el distanciamiento social sin perder sus trabajos o quedarse sin hogar.
¿A dónde irá el dinero del Fondo de supervivencia COVID-19 para el pueblo?
Vamos a financiar hasta $ 50 (por solicitud) para la entrega de comida o materiales a su domicilio.
Daremos apoyo en efectivo directamente a los trabajadores indocumentados y precarios que son los más afectados por esta crisis social y la auto-organización.
Español Request (Spanish): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MzBXABqWfHFQNwGcczVBb8r41OLBgojYO706PzlAAPs/viewform
Español Volunteer (Spanish): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Peh9KEnZ0EFF7j4mV8opmG345hpo5s49DnsBJbVAiBY/viewform
¿Quienes somos?
Somos personas habituales en Seattle y el condado de King que hemos participado activamente en diversas campañas de organización, trabajo de ayuda mutua y, lo que es más importante, en comunidad entre nosotrxs. Este es el resultado del amor por la comunidad. Somos un colectivo de voluntarios, no una organización sin fines de lucro. Eso significa que no hay gastos generales, cada dólar se destina a alimentos, materiales y asistencia directa.
************For full transparency, M Mork will be withdrawing the funds from this campaign to a group account created specifically for COVID-19 Survival Fund for the People. From there, money will go directly to the applicants.**********
We are regular folks in Seattle and King County who have been active in various organizing campaigns, mutual aid work, and more importantly, in community with each other. This is a result of love for the community. We are a collective of volunteers, not a non-profit. That means no overhead, every dollar is going towards groceries, supplies, and direct support.
Like us on Facebook!
Follow us on Instagram!
Spanish Version below - Version en español abajo -
Our love for each other is greater than capitalism’s lack of effective planning. In Seattle, we have created a COVID19 Mutual Aid group, which aims to organize material support. Immediately we are providing grocery and supply deliveries. We are preparing to expand this to running errands, dog walking, childcare, caregiving, and mental/emotional support among people impacted by the pandemic. We are acting alongside those globally to show that our communities take care of each other and we also take care of ourselves. We can’t allow greed to guide our actions. We need healing love and compassion for one another.
Let’s be clear, this is solidarity, not charity. In the absence of larger structural changes, such efforts will not be nearly enough and could burn out the people involved. So we are also supporting workplace organizing efforts, demanding paid time off, quarantine pay, etc. We know that undocumented communities will be one of the most exposed groups with the least government support. Undocumented workers frequently experience abuse by their employers and may not report their needs for fear of reprisals. We will prioritize those most vulnerable, those who are undocumented, disabled, elderly, houseless, BIPOC, queer and trans, sex workers, and communities displaced by gentrification.
And we are also putting pressure on the system at large, calling for widespread free testing for COVID19, moratoriums on deportations, sweeps, evictions, and new bookings into jails and prisons. We demand closure of the NW Detention Center, that property developers with empty apartments give free housing until the crisis is over, and REAL resource redistribution from large corporations.
The direct mutual aid caring work involved in these efforts requires material resources, and those must be provided immediately by Amazon, Microsoft and other large corporations who have made the city prone to such a crisis. We are here because of years of austerity, and Big Tech regressive taxes. The housing crisis and systematic divestment of the state from the essential functions of service and housing, is a product of neoliberal, austerity measures. Big Tech and capitalism drove that. We don't need charity from them. We need big tech to payback. They should be transferring many, many millions, if not billions of dollars into such efforts so that neighborhood care stations can be set up with testing, food, and emotional support, so that houseless people can access housing immediately, and people can practice social distancing without losing their jobs or becoming houseless.
Where will the money from COVID-19 Survival Fund for the People go?
We are currently funding up to $50 (per request) for grocery / supply home deliveries per household.
We will be directly giving financial support (via Venmo, CashApp, and Cash) to Undocumented, LGBTQI, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Elderly, and Disabled, folxs who are bearing the brunt of this social crisis and self-organizing. The financial support we are providing is for our most vulnerable communities to use as an emergency fund as they are the most impacted during the Covid19 pandemic. We are chose to deliver the funds via Venmo, CashApp and Cash, because we want our communities to have the flexibility to use the emergency funds for what they believe is most important to them.
Seattle Request forms:
English (English): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rOkXW6ElVT0MH9oSI-TuW8L5szCt-ULbZhWebARRZNI/viewform
Español (Spanish): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MzBXABqWfHFQNwGcczVBb8r41OLBgojYO706PzlAAPs/viewform
አማርኛ (Amharic): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/198xWJ7wbTnIZZgnCbBFB447JYSyP8OUxv79ldZiz1h4/viewform
ትግርኛ (Tigrinya): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLbPVQ-YNyUvRcwOXIpwM7-4YJZyA8fNU6JIEDs_YU2dKV1w/viewform
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1crKqWWUmUZQOLTWCRXhhopdKy5_S1W4ZmkLwIMYLvsw/viewform
Seattle Volunteer forms:
English (English): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16ESS-9g9S58wpEGavsGu3aj6LnhvVYNdJJd-Qp_PfUY/viewform
Español (Spanish): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Peh9KEnZ0EFF7j4mV8opmG345hpo5s49DnsBJbVAiBY/viewform
አማርኛ (Amharic): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FiOtf2cwUr7ZDbnpVH_OpdzAORBNp2fKYtibf0QAuOQ/viewform
ትግርኛ (Tigrinya): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ohZqiW5k9L0mfxSRbdJo_pXJOZIPP03MY_P6pSAPQrs/viewform
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EAdyq-vcW803i9MMoceyd9WgTsds6zs1--asljcTLZM/viewform
About the fundraising Team: WE ARE A COLLECTIVE. We aim to cultivate a politics of autonomy, international solidarity, and mutual aid within a long-term creative resilient multi-generational horizon of decolonial, anti-capitalist, feminist, queer, disability, and sex worker liberation.
About the team member: JM Wong - From Seattle, WA, Nico from Seattle, WA, M Mork from Seattle, WA and Rosario Lopez from Seattle, WA. We are all members of the Covid19 Mutual Aid group.
----------------------------------SPANISH VERSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nuestro amor es mas grande que la falta de planificación efectiva del capitalismo. En Seattle, hemos creado un grupo de ayuda mutua COVID19, en cual el objetivo es organizarnos para apoyo material. Inmediatamente ahorita estamos haciendo entregas de comida y materiales. Nos estamos preparando para expandir esto para hacer mandados, caminar a su mascota, cuidar niños, cuidar y brindar apoyo mental / emocional entre las personas afectadas por la pandemia. Estamos actuando junto a los de todxs en el mundo para mostrar que nuestras comunidades se cuidan entre sí y también nos cuidamos nosotros mismos. No podemos permitir que la codicia guíe nuestras acciones. Necesitamos amor curativo y compasión para cada quien.
Seamos claros, esto es solidaridad, no caridad. En la ausencia de cambios estructurales más grandes, tales esfuerzos no serán suficientes y podrían consumir las personas involucradas. Por lo tanto, también estamos apoyando los esfuerzos de organización del lugar de trabajo, exigiendo tiempo libre pagado, pago de cuarentena, etc. Sabemos que las comunidades indocumentadas serán uno de los grupos más expuestos con el menor apoyo del gobierno. Los trabajadores indocumentadxs con frecuencia sufren abusos por parte de sus empleadores y muchas veces no informan sus necesidades por temor a represalias. Priorizaremos a los más vulnerables, lxs indocumentadxs, discapacitadxs, ancianxs, gente sin hogar, BIPOC, queer y trans, trabajadores sexuales y comunidades desplazadas por la gentrificación.
Y también estamos presionando al sistema en general, exigiendo pruebas gratuitas de salud generalizadas para COVID19, moratorias de deportaciones, barridos de campamentos, desalojos y nuevas reservas en las cárceles y prisiones. Exigimos el cierre del Centro de Detención del Noroeste, que los propietarios con apartamentos vacíos proporcionen viviendas gratuitas hasta que termine la crisis, y la redistribución REAL de los recursos de las grandes corporaciones.
El trabajo de cuidado directo de ayuda mutua en estos esfuerzos requiere recursos materiales, y Amazon, Microsoft y otras grandes corporaciones que han hecho que la ciudad sea propensa a tal crisis deben proporcionarlos inmediatamente. Estamos aquí por años de austeridad e impuestos regresivos de Big Tech. La crisis de vivienda y la desinversión sistemática del estado de las funciones esenciales, es producto de medidas de austeridad neoliberales. La Gran Tecnología y el capitalismo impulsaron eso. No necesitamos caridad de ellos. Necesitamos que las corporaciones de Gran tecnología paguen. Deberían estar transfiriendo miles de millones, si no billones de dólares a los esfuerzos para que se puedan establecer estaciones de atención médica en el vecindario con pruebas gratituas, alimentos y apoyo emocional, para que las personas sin hogar puedan estar en una vivienda de inmediato, y las personas puedan practicar el distanciamiento social sin perder sus trabajos o quedarse sin hogar.
¿A dónde irá el dinero del Fondo de supervivencia COVID-19 para el pueblo?
Vamos a financiar hasta $ 50 (por solicitud) para la entrega de comida o materiales a su domicilio.
Daremos apoyo en efectivo directamente a los trabajadores indocumentados y precarios que son los más afectados por esta crisis social y la auto-organización.
Español Request (Spanish): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MzBXABqWfHFQNwGcczVBb8r41OLBgojYO706PzlAAPs/viewform
Español Volunteer (Spanish): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Peh9KEnZ0EFF7j4mV8opmG345hpo5s49DnsBJbVAiBY/viewform
¿Quienes somos?
Somos personas habituales en Seattle y el condado de King que hemos participado activamente en diversas campañas de organización, trabajo de ayuda mutua y, lo que es más importante, en comunidad entre nosotrxs. Este es el resultado del amor por la comunidad. Somos un colectivo de voluntarios, no una organización sin fines de lucro. Eso significa que no hay gastos generales, cada dólar se destina a alimentos, materiales y asistencia directa.
************For full transparency, M Mork will be withdrawing the funds from this campaign to a group account created specifically for COVID-19 Survival Fund for the People. From there, money will go directly to the applicants.**********
Organizer and beneficiary
Rosario Lopez
Seattle, WA
M Mork