CPR Care Packages for the Region
Our mission is to create care packages for individuals in need, specifically those without homes in the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana region. Basic necessities many of us may take for granted are difficult to obtain for those that are homeless. Hygiene products, first aid supplies and healthy snacks are critically needed for homeless individuals. We hope to collect donations in order to build these packages.
So many have been generous already. We were able to distribute approximately 175 bags. Donors and volunteers have given this project a fantastic beginning.
Neighbors, family, friends, and other community members helped pack the bags and distribute them. The delivery of our care bags was moving to say the least. Each individual we visited had a story, and every life is valid. Please help us broaden our endeavor with your donation. Any amount would be useful and appreciated. Ideas for additional care items are welcome.
We would love your assistance and your ideas so we can continue our project Thank you for your support.