Create a Short Film “Ye Olde Wishing Well”
Donation protected
Hello guys, as it’s my birthday coming soon, I have had a think about replacing your normal generosity from gifts and transforming it into making my dream come true.
I wrote a story more than 20 years ago, that I hoped to create into a film. I researched and searched for so long for an opportunity to create it.
An exciting opportunity has arisen (appeared) for me to present a film at Newcastle Wey Aye! Deaf festival in November this year, as well as potential for shows at future dates and locations.
I have looked for funding opportunities and support from the creative professionals and corporations. Although I have gained valuable experience and some sign-posting (pointing in the right direction), so far I am without success.
Support for the wider community.
The film will include new and upcoming film industry creatives.
Turtléar (my business company name) within this film will support both hearing and the deaf community.
Actors and characters within the film are predominantly (mainly) deaf. This will require genuine access and inclusion working with the deaf community.
The film crew will be consist of both deaf and hearing folks.
Your sponsorship, no matter how small, will have an immense (huge) impact for inspiring, supporting and bringing alive hopes and dreams of the deaf community and new generations of creatives.
What will the money go towards?
Your investment will pay for camera crew fees, paying actors, location fees and licenses, transportation and logistical fees hiring of editing services and more.
Specific allocation of expenditure (money) of this funding will be disclosed (shown) on request.
This film will be in memory of Viv Adam. My writing mentor. Viv consistently encouraged me to stick with my script and not change it. I had so much pressure change my script to a more expected mainstream aligned version for film companies expectations. Viv was passionate about me holding strong and keeping my original work.
I hope that me humbly (gratefully and respectfully) asking for your generosity for this film to be made, and I can come back and show you what we’ve all been involved with.
All my love
EJ xx

EJ Raymond