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Creating a sensory room for Austin

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Meet our beautiful boy, Austin.
Austin is 5 and has been diagnosed as having autism.
He is non verbal and totally reliant upon his caregivers.

Our desire is to give Austin every opportunity in life to grow and to become independent and have a good quality of life.

Government resources for children with autism are extremely limited and underfunded, so we took it upon ourselves to try everything we could to improve Austin's chances of functioning as a neurotypical child.

Our journey has lead us to the Son Rise program, for which we are being trained in, during February 2020. This program is a child centred, home based therapy program, founded by parents of an autistic child with the aim of developing deep and meaningful connections with people as a foundation for improvement in children just like Austin.

We are excited to begin this next chapter but to do so we are in need of toys and equipment to create a theraputic sensory room at home, where we can implement necessary early intervention through the use of the Son Rise program.

Your gift, no matter what size, will most definitely have a profoundly positive impact on our son's life.
And, if you can't give, please share the link to your friends and family.
All gifts will go towards the creation of a sensory room.

Thank you and God bless.


Catherine Sunshine
County Waterford

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