Croatia Earthquake Fund - Zagreb Hospitals
Donation protected
KBC ZAGREB-Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics IN PETROVA, KBC REBRO and other hospitals
This fundraiser is organized by ACAP - Association of Croatian American Professionals Foundation, a non-profit organization registered in the USA as 501(c)(3). 100% of collected funds will be allocated to hospitals in need of repairs, equipment and hospital supplies to help them recover from earthquake damage and losses, as well as needed supplies and equipment in fighting COVID-19. The process will be transparent and documented, with updates to donors.
ZAGREB, Croatia - A large earthquake struck north of the Croatian capital Zagreb on Sunday March 22, early morning hours. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said the quake measured 5.3 in magnitude and struck at a depth of 10km (six miles), followed by several aftershocks.
In Zagreb, people fled apartments and took to the streets while parts of the capital experienced electricity cuts. Damage is extensive in the city center, including Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics hospital in Petrova Street (Croatian: "Klinika za zenske bolesti i porode") and KBC Rebro Hospital. Hospitalized newborns have been moved to another hospital and amid the chaos and COVID-19 pandemic concerns, people were in shock and trying to keep advised distance while mothers were giving birth in ambulances outside the damaged hospital.
ALL COLLECTED FUNDS will be 100% directed to Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics hospital in Petrova Street (Croatian: "Klinika za zenske bolesti i porode"), KBC Rebro Hospital and other identified hospitals to fund repairs and needed equipment to aid the hospitals in protecting newborns, mothers, and patients being treated in COVID-19 outbreak.
We are coordinating with hospitals and ACAP Zagreb chapter to ensure transparency and documented process.
Motivation for our team:
Some of our team members as young children and teenagers lived in Karlovac and Sibenik during the 1991-1995 Croatian War of Independence, our parents and loved ones served in Croatian forces and we felt deep obligation to help and assist those on the front lines at this time - hospitals and their medical staff - as they bravely, selflessly and tirelessly work long hours to help our fellow Croatians.
Press announcement at campaign launch (in Croatian).
Our team leaders:
Ivan Milkovic, from Sibenik, Croatia, entrepreneur and CEO of Sales Peritias Group with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia.
Miryana Joksovic, from Karlovac, Croatia, entrepreneur and Co-founder of technology startup based in San Francisco Bay Area. ACAP Member Silicon Valley.
Maria Sentic, Treasurer at ACAP (Association of Croatian American Professionals Foundation), based in Chicago.
We thank you for donating and sharing. God bless you and your family!
Cijeli iznos prikupljene donacije biti ce uplacen "Klinici za zenske bolesti i porode" u Petrovoj , KBC Rebro i drugim bolnicama u Zagrebu (lista drugih bolnica biti ce objavljena naknadno).
Photo credit: reader of Vecernji List. Thank you!
Select news coverage:
Croatian news coverage - PHOTOS FROM THE HOSPITALS:

KBC ZAGREB-Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics IN PETROVA, KBC REBRO and other hospitals
This fundraiser is organized by ACAP - Association of Croatian American Professionals Foundation, a non-profit organization registered in the USA as 501(c)(3). 100% of collected funds will be allocated to hospitals in need of repairs, equipment and hospital supplies to help them recover from earthquake damage and losses, as well as needed supplies and equipment in fighting COVID-19. The process will be transparent and documented, with updates to donors.
ZAGREB, Croatia - A large earthquake struck north of the Croatian capital Zagreb on Sunday March 22, early morning hours. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said the quake measured 5.3 in magnitude and struck at a depth of 10km (six miles), followed by several aftershocks.
In Zagreb, people fled apartments and took to the streets while parts of the capital experienced electricity cuts. Damage is extensive in the city center, including Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics hospital in Petrova Street (Croatian: "Klinika za zenske bolesti i porode") and KBC Rebro Hospital. Hospitalized newborns have been moved to another hospital and amid the chaos and COVID-19 pandemic concerns, people were in shock and trying to keep advised distance while mothers were giving birth in ambulances outside the damaged hospital.
ALL COLLECTED FUNDS will be 100% directed to Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics hospital in Petrova Street (Croatian: "Klinika za zenske bolesti i porode"), KBC Rebro Hospital and other identified hospitals to fund repairs and needed equipment to aid the hospitals in protecting newborns, mothers, and patients being treated in COVID-19 outbreak.
We are coordinating with hospitals and ACAP Zagreb chapter to ensure transparency and documented process.
Motivation for our team:
Some of our team members as young children and teenagers lived in Karlovac and Sibenik during the 1991-1995 Croatian War of Independence, our parents and loved ones served in Croatian forces and we felt deep obligation to help and assist those on the front lines at this time - hospitals and their medical staff - as they bravely, selflessly and tirelessly work long hours to help our fellow Croatians.
Press announcement at campaign launch (in Croatian).
Our team leaders:
Ivan Milkovic, from Sibenik, Croatia, entrepreneur and CEO of Sales Peritias Group with headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia.
Miryana Joksovic, from Karlovac, Croatia, entrepreneur and Co-founder of technology startup based in San Francisco Bay Area. ACAP Member Silicon Valley.
Maria Sentic, Treasurer at ACAP (Association of Croatian American Professionals Foundation), based in Chicago.
We thank you for donating and sharing. God bless you and your family!
Cijeli iznos prikupljene donacije biti ce uplacen "Klinici za zenske bolesti i porode" u Petrovoj , KBC Rebro i drugim bolnicama u Zagrebu (lista drugih bolnica biti ce objavljena naknadno).
Photo credit: reader of Vecernji List. Thank you!
Select news coverage:
Croatian news coverage - PHOTOS FROM THE HOSPITALS:

Fundraising team: Team: Ivan, Miryana, Maria, Boris (4)
ACAP Foundation (Miryana Joksovic, ACAP member)
Santa Clara, CA
Association of Croatian American Professionals Foundation
Boris Vilic
Team member
Ivan Milkovic
Team member