Crystal Hernandez Memorial Fund
Donation protected
(This GoFundMe Account is Authorized by Crystal's Family)
Due to a tragic accident, we lost Crystal Hernandez, a Reedley Middle College High School student, last week and are rallying together to help her family cover her funeral expenses. Crystal was a kind, passionate, young lady and not your typical high school student. She was concurrently taking college courses while completing her high school diploma. She was highly involved in her community as a volunteer and member of several organizations including: a youth volunteer for the California Health Collaborative, a statewide non-profit organization; a youth advisory board member with PATH, a countywide marijuana prevention program for youth; a youth coalition member for REACT, a tobacco prevention program where she worked on policy change efforts surrounding e-cigarettes; an annual volunteer for the Reedley Red Ribbon Committee focused on drug prevention efforts; and a volunteer/intern for Adventist Health in Reedley. Crystal was also highly involved in FFA (Future Farmers of America), a national organization for students interested in agriculture and leadership. Crystal was a huge support system for her family and her aspirations were to graduate from college to one day give her family a more prosperous future. Her dream was to become a social worker and work locally to help children and families. She will be dearly missed by the entire Reedley and Orange Cove Community. Let's support Crystal's family and loved ones by giving her a loving and dignified burial. Let's give back to the over 400 estimated hours of community service she provided to our young people and our community as a whole.
Debido a un accidente tragico de automóvil, perdimos a Crystal Hernández, estudiante de la Preparatoria de Reedley Middle College la semana pasada. Nos estamos uniendo como padres de familia y miembros de la comunidad para ayudar a la familia de Crystal con los gastos de funeral y entierro. Crystal era una joven de buen corazón y dedicada a su comunidad. Estaba tomando clases de High School y al mismo tiempo tomando varias clases del Colegio de Reedley para avanzar sus estudios universitarios. Estaba muy involucrada en varias organizaciones para el beneficio de la comunidad. Era voluntaria para la Cooperativa de Salud de California, miembro del comité de jóvenes para la prevención de marihuana del programa PATH, miembro juvenil del comité REACT que trabaja para prevenir el uso de tabaco, voluntaria para el Comité de Listón Rojo de Reedley que previene el uso de drogas entre jóvenes y pasó el pasado verano como voluntaria para la clínica Adventist Health en Reedley. Además, Crystal era miembro de FFA, una organización nacional para jóvenes interesados en el liderazgo y la agricultura. Crystal era una gran ayuda y soporte para su familia y su sueño era terminar sus estudios para ayudar a su familia y darles un mejor futuro. Tenía sueños de recibirse de Trabajadora Social para ayudar a jóvenes y familias en su comunidad. Será extrañada esta joven de corazón puro. Unámonos para ayudar a la familia de Crystal y brindemos amor hacia Crystal por todas las más de 400 horas de servicio comunitario que dedicó a nuestros jóvenes y nuestras comunidades.
Elizabeth Tomasa Martinez is the authorized beneficiary for this account. She is Crystal Martinez's mother's niece and she will be withdrawing account funds as a representative of the family and using the funds to pay for funeral expenses.
Organizer and beneficiary
Daisy Sanchez
Reedley, CA
Elizabeth Tomasa Martinez