Emergency: Help me and my family rebuild our lives.
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We are the Mahdi family
I am Mohammad, I live in Belgium. I am speaking to you on behalf of my sister Nisreen, who lives with her family in Gaza in light of this genocide that has been occurring and continuing for about 7 months to this day!
Every day it becomes more difficult. Food, water and other basic necessities of life are no longer available at all in Gaza. My sister Nisreen has 4 children (Nour, 18 years old, Malik, 16 years old, Milad, 10 years old, and Muhammad, 2 years old) who are suffering from the loss of everything they have in their lives.

On May 5, 2021, Israeli warplanes destroyed Al-Jalaa Tower, which housed the home of my sister Nisreen and her family. They lost their first home and became homeless.

A short time ago, my sister and her family tried to restore hope to their lives and create a new home for them with new memories in the hope that their lives and psychology would improve after they lost their childhood home and the memories of their children and children. Everything related to them.
And now in this fierce war on Gaza! In light of the genocide, my sister was displaced from the north to the far south under constant bombardment and without taking anything from her home except her children and her husband! This war came to take their new dream and their new home again and take their lives, their memories, their money and everything they owned, and left them without anything significant! Nothing but pain, helplessness and oppression! And the ashes of their home and their memories.

The occupation was not satisfied with that, but took away their source of livelihood and destroyed their shops, leaving them without a source of income, not even a home, shelter, or even memories! Everything became ash and ruin.

Now my sister lives in difficult living conditions in tents in Rafah, despite all the danger surrounding her and her family, as there is no longer a safe place in Gaza! From the far north to the far south, everything smelled of death. There is no water, no electricity, no communications, no food, not even Pampers, milk, and her baby’s needs!

I ask you to support her with everything you have, as she and her children need your support, providing the necessary food, buying her child’s supplies, and getting them out of Gaza so that they have the opportunity to live safely in an area. !! Hope returns to their lives again!
Thank you all

Mohammed Mahdi
Herent Winksele, VLG, Belgium, VLG