C-U Confidential #10 print fund
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UPDATE #7: As of July 26, 2019, C-U Confidential #10 is NOW AVAILABLE at select locations in Champaign, Urbana, and the cities beyond! Please watch for location updates at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cuconfidential/
Greetings! My name is Jason Pankoke. I live in the Midwest college town of Champaign, Illinois, and have called it home for a quarter century. I have worn many hats as a friend, laborer, artist, creative, volunteer, and media tinkerer since I moved here in 1993. My most distinctive feat, however, has been taking on the role of self-publisher and all the highs and not-so-highs that go with that responsibility.
I have published C-U Confidential as a Weblog since 2006 and print digest since 2007. It is a grassroots chronicle of what cinema-going, film-making, and appreciating the art form might mean to the residents and transient academic population of a smaller town like Champaign and its immediate neighbor, Urbana. It is a constant source of stories and information for our community. The ‘blog has been and always will remain accessible to everyone for free. CUZine, obviously, takes funding to produce, even if we distribute it for free.
Over the course of producing the last three issues including the one we have in progress, #10, our traditional advertising revenue has mostly dried up. We relied almost exclusively on these funds to print the issues and break even so we could place them in dozens of public spaces for the taking and/or hand them out at will. It took several tries through e-mail and social media blasts to scrape by with enough to produce both #8 and #9. We have made two (2) attempts so far to book ad space in #10; what we have today is not nearly enough so, now, we turn to you, the Champaign-Urbana community and supporters of independent and regional cinema.
The goal is to raise at least half of our projected $2,200 print budget for C-U Confidential #10 through this campaign. We hope the rest can come from our typical sources but we can’t bet on it just yet. We will expand our goal to cover any shortfall by ad revenue if we can first hit our $1,100 minimum. Extra pledges that put our available budget north of $2,200 total will go towards a larger press run so we may have better coverage to distribute the digest in locations outside of Champaign-Urbana and at public events.
What exactly will one read about in #10? David Gracon, a professor at Eastern Illinois University, talks about Hallways Microcinema wherein he presented alternative media programs in his home. James Hall, a University of Illinois junior in cinema studies, reports on the former UI undergraduate film journal MacGuffin. Troy Michael, the publisher of Innocent Words Magazine, theorizes on what keeps him going in the lively world of independent journalism and fandom. I will present a “lost” (yet relatively recent) interview with Skip Huston, discussing the success of the Avon Theater in downtown Decatur, IL, in addition to the detailed and wide-ranging miscellanea that fills out every issue. All this material will be exclusive to this publication when it streets; we hope to see our dearest readers browsing through and sharing #10 with others beginning in late January 2019.
Therefore, our self-imposed deadline to reach the minimum $1,100 goal is [Sunday, December 30, 2018] January 25, 2019.
Over the course of producing C-U Confidential, we have not been very swag-savvy and have elected to keep the prizes light in this campaign. This is all about educating our readers and giving props to the film culture of where we call home. We will promise these modest perks:
1. Everyone who pledges has the option of being thanked in print and/or the 'blog;
2. Everyone who pledges $10.00 or more will have two (2) copies of #10 mailed to their (street) address of choice if living outside of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, while residents of Champaign-Urbana can choose to receive their two (2) copies of #10 through the mail or in person at a meeting arranged by the publisher;
3. Anyone who pledges $60.00 or more will receive either A. ten (10) copies of #10, or B. a complete, unread set of CUZine #1-10.
We hope that our track record with producing C-U Confidential in all its forms (digest , ‘blog , Facebook ) and its slightly younger cousin, the New Art Film Festival of Champaign , speaks for itself in its uniqueness and dedication to supporting and recording a part of the culture that makes our Twin Cities an interesting and vital place to be. Let’s collectively afford CUZine the respect it deserves by giving #10, the formal close of its first decade, the boost that it needs to go to press and then land in the hands of our friends and neighbors one more time. Thank you for your consideration.

Greetings! My name is Jason Pankoke. I live in the Midwest college town of Champaign, Illinois, and have called it home for a quarter century. I have worn many hats as a friend, laborer, artist, creative, volunteer, and media tinkerer since I moved here in 1993. My most distinctive feat, however, has been taking on the role of self-publisher and all the highs and not-so-highs that go with that responsibility.
I have published C-U Confidential as a Weblog since 2006 and print digest since 2007. It is a grassroots chronicle of what cinema-going, film-making, and appreciating the art form might mean to the residents and transient academic population of a smaller town like Champaign and its immediate neighbor, Urbana. It is a constant source of stories and information for our community. The ‘blog has been and always will remain accessible to everyone for free. CUZine, obviously, takes funding to produce, even if we distribute it for free.
Over the course of producing the last three issues including the one we have in progress, #10, our traditional advertising revenue has mostly dried up. We relied almost exclusively on these funds to print the issues and break even so we could place them in dozens of public spaces for the taking and/or hand them out at will. It took several tries through e-mail and social media blasts to scrape by with enough to produce both #8 and #9. We have made two (2) attempts so far to book ad space in #10; what we have today is not nearly enough so, now, we turn to you, the Champaign-Urbana community and supporters of independent and regional cinema.
The goal is to raise at least half of our projected $2,200 print budget for C-U Confidential #10 through this campaign. We hope the rest can come from our typical sources but we can’t bet on it just yet. We will expand our goal to cover any shortfall by ad revenue if we can first hit our $1,100 minimum. Extra pledges that put our available budget north of $2,200 total will go towards a larger press run so we may have better coverage to distribute the digest in locations outside of Champaign-Urbana and at public events.
What exactly will one read about in #10? David Gracon, a professor at Eastern Illinois University, talks about Hallways Microcinema wherein he presented alternative media programs in his home. James Hall, a University of Illinois junior in cinema studies, reports on the former UI undergraduate film journal MacGuffin. Troy Michael, the publisher of Innocent Words Magazine, theorizes on what keeps him going in the lively world of independent journalism and fandom. I will present a “lost” (yet relatively recent) interview with Skip Huston, discussing the success of the Avon Theater in downtown Decatur, IL, in addition to the detailed and wide-ranging miscellanea that fills out every issue. All this material will be exclusive to this publication when it streets; we hope to see our dearest readers browsing through and sharing #10 with others beginning in late January 2019.
Therefore, our self-imposed deadline to reach the minimum $1,100 goal is [Sunday, December 30, 2018] January 25, 2019.
Over the course of producing C-U Confidential, we have not been very swag-savvy and have elected to keep the prizes light in this campaign. This is all about educating our readers and giving props to the film culture of where we call home. We will promise these modest perks:
1. Everyone who pledges has the option of being thanked in print and/or the 'blog;
2. Everyone who pledges $10.00 or more will have two (2) copies of #10 mailed to their (street) address of choice if living outside of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, while residents of Champaign-Urbana can choose to receive their two (2) copies of #10 through the mail or in person at a meeting arranged by the publisher;
3. Anyone who pledges $60.00 or more will receive either A. ten (10) copies of #10, or B. a complete, unread set of CUZine #1-10.
We hope that our track record with producing C-U Confidential in all its forms (digest , ‘blog , Facebook ) and its slightly younger cousin, the New Art Film Festival of Champaign , speaks for itself in its uniqueness and dedication to supporting and recording a part of the culture that makes our Twin Cities an interesting and vital place to be. Let’s collectively afford CUZine the respect it deserves by giving #10, the formal close of its first decade, the boost that it needs to go to press and then land in the hands of our friends and neighbors one more time. Thank you for your consideration.

Jason Pankoke
Champaign, IL