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From Cancer to Colorado

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Life sent my mom to live out her stage 4 breast-to-bone cancer, almost 2 years ago. My home was already full of family and renters, but I couldn't let my mom go thru that horrible death alone.  Within months we lost our home, had to split up our family, lost most of our possessions, and had to give up my second favorite dog. I told our, then, 14 yr old son, "We're going on a vacation." I couldn't bring myself to tell him, even though he knew, I don't know what to do.

After visiting family and living from motel to hotel, we ended up seven states away; from Virginia to Minnesota.  Here we could get the care mom needed, as we were having a hard time getting a recent felon (mom) treatment in Virginia.  Yet, in Minnesota we could get her hospice care.  Mom passed away, "feeling like a princess," July 2015. Two months later my husband was diagnosed with tongue cancer. But, wait, there's more.

My  dad's apartment was too small for our five member family.   We planned to stay long enough to find a place nearby. Sadly, over a year passed since we arrived at dad's and we are still here. Between the fierce housing market anywhere near dad's, having to replace belongings and the cost of illnesses; we're left broke and destined to move on. Everyone needs to move out by 1-31-2016, as dad's apartment complex isn't renewing dad's lease or accepting our shitty credit. 

Dad would love to continue to the hero, but I'm not sure what he can do. He's a disabled American Veteran with enough health issues of his own to deal with.  He needs to take care of himself so we can continue to get to know each other.  

As we hole up in a hotel we strive to be positive, and remember to be grateful. Life is a challenge, yes, but it could be much worse. 

To make this adventure even more exciting; I began it with PTSD, Troy already had CRPS and Bodhi is being tested for Aspergers. Now, I'm not one to complain, but we clearly can't do this alone. I imagine it will take more than I'm asking for, but I must start somewhere. We need to fix our van and get ready to move, while battling cancer.  How? We are figuring it out.  The more help we have the better chance my husband has to literally survive these obstacles.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


  • Angel Foundation
    • $200 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • David North
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • Em Laabs
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • Ken Dodd
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • Rob Dodd
    • $50 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs


Beki Dodd
Eagan, MN

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