Cult Party Robbery Fund
We need our community now more than ever. While we were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic our shop was broken into and we were robbed of our register, iPad, power tools, and merchandise. Also due to being closed our sales are plummeted and we are facing having to pay rent with out the help of loans of stimulus money being as we are run as a co-op.
We need funds to pay back our artists, to replace the items stolen from us, and we need help with our rent. Needless to say, this was an enormous set back for us, making it harder than ever to recover from these trying times.
We are a community run and supported space and at this time we need you more than ever.
Literally any donation will help but we do have rewards for certain amounts!
For every donation $ 25 and up:
-Pin and Patch by Hissy Fit and Midge Blitz
Donations $50 and up:
Merchandise from one of the following makers of your choosing:
-Lost Graves goodie bag of bones @lostgraves
-Goodie bag of jewelry and pins from Midge Blitz @midgleblitz
-Apparel by @ahhsweetdeath
-Apparel by @paintersclothes
-Art by @mutantland
-Books and Tarot Deck from Kristen Korvette
-Books from Pam Grossman
Donations $75 and up:
Tarot reading by your choosing of one of the following readers:
-Debbie Allen of @hissyfitcvlt and founder of Cult Party
-Giuara Fenris @giafen
-Sarah Potter @iamsarrahpotter
-Staci Ivori @stacivori
-Jolee Falcone @goodbuddyjolee
-Denise B @hey_db
-Kristen FM @iamfkm
-Custom Poetry for your Zodiac Sign by Dianca London @grrrrlafriad
-Crystal Natal Chart Reading with Alfie De Longchamp @alfiedelongchamp
-Weirdo Painting class for two by Al Benkin of @mutantland
-Herbal bundle making class for two by Debbie Allen @hissyfitcvlt
Donations $100 and up:
-Custom carved magical candle and crystal bundle.
We will email you upon your donation with your prize options.
Any donation amount helps us tremendously, we thank you to everyone who has supported us, we are nothing without our community! We don't know how we would survive with out you.
Cult Party
Debbie, Al, Midge, Jolee, and Ali