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Coming together for a devastated community

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Hi, my name is Lori Trotter, I am the daughter, sister, aunt, and friend of many of those who were displaced on the weekend of August 13, 2023, due to the wildfire that raged through the small community of Enterprise NWT, taking with it approximately 90% of the homes and businesses. This tragedy is very close to my heart -- and being so far away (US) I feel helpless, so this is me trying to help the only way I know how; not only my family and friends but the community as a whole -- that is now very much in need.

About 30,000 NWT residents are currently evacuated to Northern Alberta and various other areas in Canada. The GNWT has declared a state of emergency and firefighters and support staff are still working endlessly to protect Yellowknife, Hay River and Fort Smith; however, for the small community of Enterprise, with a population of about 100 residents, devastation hit that August 13 evening when a roaring wildfire swept through the little community, leaving approximately 37 homes and 6 businesses burned to the ground. The remaining 13 homes and businesses are likely heat, smoke-damaged or partially burned.

What used to be a community where everyone knew each other, everyone was like family to one another and people would take the shirts off their backs to help someone in need, residents are now scattered miles apart and left without a community to return to. Some don’t have the financial ability to purchase necessities or even fulfill their immediate needs. Thankfully there is much support, at this point, but what will happen when everything calms down and people can return home -- there is nothing for them to return to! This is the time people will likely be forgotten, help will stop and they will be left to fend for themselves.

Devastated and displaced, residents will return to a community left looking like the scene of a horror film. How do they even begin to rebuild with no homes to return to? 37 families/individuals will have to live in motels, rent outside of the community, or stay with others. People will have to live transiently for a very long time while the community is made safe again and their homes are rebuilt. People from this tight-knit community need our support. We need to pull together to provide them with support, hope, help and security because in the coming weeks people will need more permanent places to live while rebuilding and eventually, they will need help to replace everything from toys to furniture and knives and forks to appliances. In times like this, it is so important to work together to provide even a glimmer of hope that things will get better, even though it may be hard to see right now.

Forest fires are unforgiving and the little community of Enterprise, NWT was hit hard with most of the community gone -- reduced to rubble.

My hope is that this page can be shared, shared again, and again .... and people will find it in their hearts to help raise money for all those who have to start from scratch because they lost their homes and for those whose homes may be left damaged from heat or smoke. What do these people have to go home to, where will they go, how will they start over? They need something to start with .... I realize that times are tough everywhere right now, but even a dollar can make a difference because every dollar adds up.

I’m asking that anyone who can help to please help with any donation amount, every little bit adds up. Please share the heck out of the page and maybe we can help give this little community hope and much-needed financial support for the coming weeks and even months ❤️

All funds raised will go to Enterprise residents who lost their homes and are forced to start over with nothing and to those whose homes are damaged from heat or smoke.

Thank You for taking the time to read this ❤️



  • Anonym
    • $150 
    • 9 mos
  • Dianne Pollock
    • $50 
    • 10 mos
  • Chris Van Dyke
    • $100 
    • 11 mos
  • Cuong Tran
    • $5 
    • 11 mos
  • Camilla Bertrand
    • $50 
    • 11 mos

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Fort Providence, NT
Enterprise Community Residents

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