Cyndee Ulmer final expenses
Donation protected
UPDATE 5/23: Hi, my name is Tonya and I'm the eldest daughter of Cyndee Ulmer. My mother's body gave in to the many infections she was fighting. It was not her fault, she just couldn't fight without antibiotics. Not sure what happened between Friday with the infectious disease Dr saying her labs looked great and he was going to keep her on atb till June 2nd and then they could possibly take out her picc line. Then on Sunday learning that her picc line had been taken out and her wbc had went from 4 to 21 in 2 days. She just couldn't get ahead of the infection. This wasn't suppose to happen this way. She wanted to fight. She wanted to go on a trip with myself and our husband's next year. She was excited about that! She wanted to go to Washington state to see her beautiful eldest granddaughter and her husband. She wanted to go to her beautiful youngest granddaughters College to see how it is right on lake Michigan. She wanted to go see her eldest grandson's new home and new wife. She wanted to have a drink with her youngest grandson abd his wife. She had plans, she was excited to be going home to see her fat cat. But for some reason all that was cut short. I'm mad, mad that she won't be able to do that in her human body. But I know she'll come and visit all of us, most likely as a red bird lol. She had her appetite back, she was on her way. But instead we have got to fly her home to Indiana for the viewing and then cremation. She had her stuff pre-planned, right down to the music. But we have to get her up there and that isn't cheap. We have some of the money left from the original idea behind this gofundme, but we will need more to get her up to Indiana. We will be getting a refund on what we had paid for mom for the rest of this week. But they don't know how long that will take. I hate to ask again for a donation, but we could really use it to get her to Indiana along with Bob! He's going to be lost but we will have an eye on him and when we have the celebration of life later this year for those friends in Florida! I'll want to go down there to help and to help Bob go through moms stuff. If there is anyway you could help out with final expenses, I would be so very grateful as I know Bob would as well. Neither of them would ever ask for help for themselves, but they will give of themselves till they can't give no more. Anything will be appreciated. I really don't want to have to worry about this, but if you could give, share this or even just say a prayer for my family, we are all in shock to say the least. It wasn't her time yet, but God thought otherwise! Her pain is gone and for that I'm grateful what she endured was short of torture. Torture that was preventable is the worst of all of this.
Mom, I Love You and I'll be looking for my cardinal to let me know you are there! Watch over my girls, keep them safe. Until we can hug again, I miss you already! Love you much momma! ❤️ Tonya
My mother has had a horrible year! She had lost over 100lbs in the last year [she said she couldn't taste anything, so why eat!] and slowly was declining in health to the point where she was unable to walk without a walker. Then she couldn't stand on her own. So I convinced Bob to take her to the ER. After 17 hours in the hall, they admitted her, but she had to wait to get a bed. That was Feb 1st. She underwent much pain and trauma while in the hosp. From bed sores to skin literally being ripped off her chest to Dr trying to send her off to a nursing home with a blood sugar of 40 and blood pressure of 50/32 I said I don't think so, Needless to say she was transferred up to icu. The Dr.s kept asking her if she wanted life saving measures done if needed and she would say "well yes, I've got to many people to piss off yet!" There was a few times she was very close to passing away. The fun didn't stop there she had her lung drained of fluid, dvts, then they thought they found out why, her adrenal glands stopped working. That controls your electrolytes, hormones, the fight or flight kind. So her sodium was way low. She was always dumping salt on everything, now we know why, her body was craving it. Once they got the meds figured out, she could taste food again! But still having problems with blood sugars in the mornings. She developed calf wounds from lack of care in the medical staff. She was in the hosp for 76 days before her being transferred to rehab. She was there for 12 days the picture on the cover was taken on day 11 of her rehab stay. She had gotten on the bedside commode and had walked between 2 parallel bars. That was taken after being outside for the 1st time in 87 days. My husband mentioned she looked really pale. Can honestly say I should've listened. I told him she's been inside for 3 months, what do you expect. The next morning we go up to see her & when we walked in you could tell something was wrong. She said she didn't feel right, her BP was low again 60/36. I told the nurse we need to send her to the ER. So she called the ems, the aides go to clean mom up before she leaves and they noticed blood on her briefs. We get her to the ER. After about 20m mom said she thought she peed so much that her ankles were warm. I stood up and the white blanket on mom's legs was slowly turning red and then blood started pouring into the floor. I opened the door and told the nurse that my mother was literally bleeding out onto the floor. Well 3u of blood and transferred back to the original hosp to icu again, this time for 13 days. She almost left us again, but God's not fine with her yet. What she endured those 13 days has given my mother ptsd on top of everything else. She had a quart of fluid taken off both lungs this last time, she almost died again when they sedated her to do an upper gi, that they had to medically shock her back to life. The anesthesiologist was so upset she had to leave after that, cause right before she went to put mom out, mom looked at her and said "just make sure i wake up!" The transport guy said he'd never seen the anesthesiologist get so emotional after mom's heart started to stop and she hadn't given mom much of any medicine less than 25% of what is normal given. I genuinely feel horrible for her. I thought to just bring mom home and have home health come in to give her rehab. But she wanted to go back to rehab. (Now I flew down to Florida in Feb and I'm leaving this coming Wed. to go back home to take care of my senior in high school for her last month of school and everything that entails as well as graduation. Then I'll come back down to help mom if needed.) But ins only pays 100% for the 1st 20days of rehab, then from day 21 to 90 there is a $200 copay per day. So mom has 7 days left of 100% rehab. She's going to need at least 20 to 25 more days of rehab, since they brought her back on fri night-day 1, sat/sun-days 2 & 3 out of 7 with no rehab. So out of the 7, she only has 4 days of actual rehab. So that kind is it, in a quick sum it up way. So I'm just asking for any help! All of which would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!
Tonya Stanford
Churubusco, IN