Making memories for Emily
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It's not our nature to ask for charity and it would be the last thing we would consider, only there comes a point when pride takes a back seat and the only thing important to us is if we can make our daughters last wishes come true before she is taken from us,
at the age of 12 our daughter Emily went for an eye test at a local opticians she was rushed to Bristol Hospital and the findings were conclusive she had a brain tumor this was an absolute shock and horror for all the family how do you digest this sort of news.
she had just started secondary school met new friends life had just got exciting !!
now she was sitting in a hospital ward taking steroids awaiting her 10 hour operation to remove the tumor
Hers and all our lives now completely turned up side down
After the op we waited to find out the results her ability to walk had been impaired and her sight now required glasses but she had survived which was the most precious gift we could have asked for
Then the intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the months that followed
Of course the hair loss
The struggle to eat food the tears behind closed doors watching our daughter go through this and asking that same question why my daughter
Yet Emily turned out to be the strongest one in all of us. Always more concerned about others feelings than what she was going through herself ,
The years that followed were intense schooling was random due to ongoing treatments and checkups over the following years continued praying that the tumour would not return
Unfortunately our fears became reality in September 2020 when the scans came back with the findings of 3 tumors in her spine
Emily at this time was in a job had met new friends and was no longer the cancer kid everyone avoided in school
But as always remained positive
another operation followed but the surgeon could only remove the one tumor removing the two lower tumors could possibly leave Emily paralysed.
Her body now to weak to receive further chemo therapy or radio therapy Emily started the chemo therapy tablets,
But with this the harsh reality that the cancer was terminal not really taking this information in until one day-over hearing the nurses asking our daughter did she want to die at home or in care home
And did she want to be resuscitated once the time came
That's when it really hit home that our daughter was going to be taken from us and at such a young age.
The next scan revealed the tumor had returned in her head and the one in her spine has also returned
Her last scan a week ago has revealed another tumor in her head if she has treatment for this the chances are high for brain damage so she has decided to not risk this
Her one wish is to return to Disney land with her younger sister
So as I've said before pride can take a back seat
And any donations will be gratefully received so we can make our daughters final wish come true
Thank you for taking the time to read this
at the age of 12 our daughter Emily went for an eye test at a local opticians she was rushed to Bristol Hospital and the findings were conclusive she had a brain tumor this was an absolute shock and horror for all the family how do you digest this sort of news.
she had just started secondary school met new friends life had just got exciting !!
now she was sitting in a hospital ward taking steroids awaiting her 10 hour operation to remove the tumor
Hers and all our lives now completely turned up side down
After the op we waited to find out the results her ability to walk had been impaired and her sight now required glasses but she had survived which was the most precious gift we could have asked for
Then the intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the months that followed
Of course the hair loss
The struggle to eat food the tears behind closed doors watching our daughter go through this and asking that same question why my daughter
Yet Emily turned out to be the strongest one in all of us. Always more concerned about others feelings than what she was going through herself ,
The years that followed were intense schooling was random due to ongoing treatments and checkups over the following years continued praying that the tumour would not return
Unfortunately our fears became reality in September 2020 when the scans came back with the findings of 3 tumors in her spine
Emily at this time was in a job had met new friends and was no longer the cancer kid everyone avoided in school
But as always remained positive
another operation followed but the surgeon could only remove the one tumor removing the two lower tumors could possibly leave Emily paralysed.
Her body now to weak to receive further chemo therapy or radio therapy Emily started the chemo therapy tablets,
But with this the harsh reality that the cancer was terminal not really taking this information in until one day-over hearing the nurses asking our daughter did she want to die at home or in care home
And did she want to be resuscitated once the time came
That's when it really hit home that our daughter was going to be taken from us and at such a young age.
The next scan revealed the tumor had returned in her head and the one in her spine has also returned
Her last scan a week ago has revealed another tumor in her head if she has treatment for this the chances are high for brain damage so she has decided to not risk this
Her one wish is to return to Disney land with her younger sister
So as I've said before pride can take a back seat
And any donations will be gratefully received so we can make our daughters final wish come true
Thank you for taking the time to read this
Shaun Sparks