How to Master the Art of Putting
A Little Long, but Enjoyable:
This is a True Story and Vision. Unfortunately, my Putting Stroke and Unique Putter Design can not yet be shared in it's entirety until they are engineered to conform to USGA regulations and then Patented. Thank You for understanding!
I am reaching out to all my family, friends, contacts their friends & their contact's friends for your/their assistance. My Putting Stroke along with the unique "Pendulum" Putter Design I envision will improve everyone's Putting game and help shave a minimum of 3 to 5 Strokes off your/their game by sinking more putts every round. The saying is gospel:
"You Drive for Show, but you Putt for Dough". My Stance and Stroke paired with the "Pendulum Putter is "The Answer" to an upcoming USGA rule change and will also enhance the game of Golf to be way more addictive than it already is. I GUARANTEE IT!
Those of you that know me personally can attest to my integrity. As a maqtter of fact, all monies contributed will be deposited into a joint account that my mother and I opened. This is not a joke or a request for financial assistance to squander at a casino or funding for Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll. I sincerely Thank You in advance for taking the time to read my story and for your consideration to support my dream!
The Story:
My father, Eddie Miller (g-d rest his soul), was an excellent golfer in his youth (a scratch player). He could have been a Pro on the PGA Tour, but his inconsistancy on the putting green was his worst enemy. He eventually gave up playing until his later years when he and my mom moved here to AZ. Eddie was bored, so mom bought him golf lessons for their Anniversary and he got the "Fever" back. He was a mid 70's shooter, but he still never found his putting stroke. The Funniest thing happened - He unknowingly passed it on to me.
I started playing 14 years ago and am currently a "Bogey Golfer" (12 - 18 handicap depending on the day). I have a small problem with my swing as I "Come Over the Top" and I sometimes have a horrendous slice (hence getting the nickname "Banana Boy" - LOL). However, I have always been a phenomenal Putter. I was lucky enough to be invited to play with Eddie and his croneys on Sunday mornings. The 2 things that consistently frustrated my father was 1) He always reprimanded me because he said I was swinging the club too hard and 2) He was in awe (more like jealous) of my Putting skills.
I have a natural eye for the greens and undulations and my stroke is "smooth as silk". I just am able to see the line, address the ball and go. This ticked him off more than anything as I always got the ball very close to or In the Hole every time. I rarely ever 3-putt (a golfer's worst enemy). He had always said to me, "What ever you have, you should bottle it up and sell it because you would make Millions". One time after I sank a 30+ foot putt, we got in the cart to go to the next hole. When his shock wore off, he looked over at me and said: "Whatever the hell drug you are taking, I want 2 of them"!
WELL, here we are today and as a tribute to the only man in the world I ever loved (I don't consider my son, Matt, 32, a man yet - LOL), I decided to take Eddie's advice and want to share my Putting Stance, Stroke and Unique Putter design to the world. Again, this is not a joke or a request for financial assistance to squander. I have already shared my putting stroke to my father's teaching pro as well as to the golfers that I play with and they absolutely love it. Many have actually incorporated my stroke into their putting game.
I was introduced to a Golf Club Engineer and Designer, Jeff Sheets Golf.com out of Austin, TX and we have a Non Disclosure/Non Compete document signed to begin Stage 1 to design a USGA conforming Putter design to match my almost flawless Putting Stroke. So, unfortunately at this point, I am under contract and can not share the design concepts and plans in their entirety until I get them Patented. I'm sure those of you with an active imagination can guess what I am trying to protect.
Here is why I need the Financial Assistance: From Idea to Design; to Patent Search & Submission (including attorney costs); to USGA approval; to building 20 Prototypes (Mallet & Blade, Right & Left Handed) will cost $10,000. I have never gone to anyone for this kind of assistance, but, like most, I do not have that kind of money lying around, so, I am turning to my Family, Facebook Friends, LinkedIn connections and everyone else I come in contact with to help out and contribute to this project!
How you can Help: I am trying to go Viral to gather 1,000 people to contribute only $10 each to get me to my initial goal of $10,000 (or 500 people @ $25 each).
HELP ME GO VIRAL by copying & pasting this link:
and posting it on your Facebook wall to share w/ your friends. Tweet it out to all your Twitter followers (my Twitter name is @pendulumputter) and even enter an update on your LinkedIn profile that you are supporting www.PendulumPutter.club (this site is linked back to this page).
The initial Stage 1 goal of $10,000 will get me to to the point of being able to Stage 2 where I will present my Putter to Companies that are interested in this type of product and/or even to call on to all the major Golf Club Manufacturers to buy the interest in my "Pendulum" Putter - I may even try to go on "Shark Tank"!
Please assist me in attaining my Dream and contribute $10 - You get a $10 Golfsmith discount good in store or online and if you live, plan on visiting or know anyone that is in the Phoenix, AZ area, a $25 contribution will get you a $25 credit on www.LocalDines.com which actually gets you $50 to spend at your choice of fantastic local restaurants (check them out). Everyone that donates will also be named on my website (pendulumputter.club) that will eventually be seen by Millions and you can say that you were a part of the Game of Golf's future!
Thank You for Your Consideration!
Gary S. Miller
www.pendulumputter.club (under construction)