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A Marine who defends the United States from foreign enemies has not been allowed to defend his own family from domestic enemies. In Westland, Michigan, active duty Marine Joey Nelson,28, was at home with his fiancee, his 3 week old baby, and two friends, when a man began pounding violently on the door. As the man opened fire into the house, the Marine was shot in the hip, but returned fire. He is charged with Assault with Intent to Murder, while the attacker was only charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Westland police say the man outside was 39-year-old Michael Wilson of Detroit.
“I don’t know (who he is); my son doesn’t know him; the owner of the home doesn’t know him,” says Steve.
Cracking the door frame, the family says Joey grabbed his gun and yelled for Wilson to leave.
“He opened up the door because he was standing here in the yard,” Steve says. “(Joey) told him to get off his property and at that time (Wilson) produced a gun and started shooting at my son.”
Joey’s family says the young Marine was shot in the hip before calling 911 and telling everyone to get downstairs. Joey fired back at Wilson, who they say took off as police arrived.
When Fox2 reporter Erika Erickson noted the number of bullet holes in the house, Steve Nelson, Joey’s Father, responded, “Yes ma’am, there are quite a few. This gentleman was not here for coffee.”
While this is a complete travesty of justice, Michigan is noted for having messed up the Castle Doctrine several years ago.
Michigan Live reported,
“What that means in practical terms, legal experts say: Gun owners are on legally solid ground if they turn their weapon on someone who, say, has broken into their home or is trying to rob their business.
But if the suspected thief or attacker is outside the building, different rules take over…”
In other words, according to Michigan law, since the instruder had not actually entered the house, Joey Nelson was under different legal “rules.”
Main reason they charged Joey:
Nelson made statements that were inconsistent with witesses in the home.
That's in the charging documentation
Quote from an on sc...ene officer- And in the document
Willhite, Maroux,and Struhah all basically said the same thing as Nelson.
So we will take a look at consistenty from the statements they are using against Joey
Wilson then stated he walked back to the door, he was about 5 steps away when the door opened
Wilson then stated he put his arms & said"what's going on"
Wilson then says the next thing he sees is fire flashes coming at him & the subject who answered the door is shooting at him.
From the girlfriend
Ward stated she called Wilson & was outside smoking when Wilson arrived.
Ward said Wilson did not see her when he arrived.
He knocked hard & said what's going on
Ward then says Joey opened the door & there was no physical contact at all
Mike immediately back's down the porch stairs with his hands in the air
Ward says Joey pulled out his gun and unloads it on Mike.
Wilson then turned to run & returned fire maybe 4 or 5 shots
But wait, she's waiting outside , she says he didn't see me this is what happened.
Wilson's statement says he arrived at the location, pulled in the driveway, verified the address by the numbers on the house.
He goes on to say he saw a tank on the pourch & he knows it belongs to Kori.
He grabbed the tank and pounds on the door & yells let's go
He states he then took the tank to his truck and put it in the back seat
Then Wilson says he went back to the front door and was about 5 steps away when the door opened.
She makes no mention of grabbing the tank, the return trip to the truck and then going to the door a second time.
He says 5 steps away, she says he was on the porch
He says fire flashes, she says Joey opened the door, she says Joey pulled his gun, meaning it wasn't in his hand, Mike backed down the stairs, but I thought he was 5 steps away, not on the porch, he has Joey coming out shooting,
And for fun- the neighbor stated
She looked out her front picture window and observed a male walking up to the porch wearing a dark knit hat & dark colored coat. A second subject exited the house onto the porch & shove the first subject off of the porch.
Wilson & Ward are currently viewed as the victims, but their story’s don’t match each other or an independent witness
How about the truth from those 2?
Ward left the house 15 minuets before Wilson arrives, they claim to have not seen each other out side. I will prove that false latter today.
What was he even doing approaching the house?
His girlfriend left, she wasn’t inside, they don’t live there or near by.
What business do they have there, while having an illegal firearm?
Charge the right people, she’s guilty too
1. My name is Edward Trader
2. I am the uncle of Joey Nelson the Marine that is being charged in this statement. Joey's parents ask me to start this Gofundme campaign forJoey to help him to get out and for support after he is out
3. the funds that have been raised here will be going directly to Joey's mother and father and Joey for his support and fight. He at this time is not getting any pay from the military. Because of all this.
4. I am from Westland Michigan as well as Joey Nelson is
5.Joey's parents are aware of this campaign. Once the funds have been withdrawn they will be going directly to Joey's parents for the fight for justice and support.
Latest Update: Joey was released FINALLY on Friday, after 14 days of unjust jail time on a $75,000/10% Bond with GPS Tether. It was our understanding at the time that he would be able to move freely as long as he did not leave the State. Once again, Westland messed up that Judgement & Paperwork! Joey came home on Friday with his ankle bracelet and was told he had to stay at home until he could meet with the Tether Agent again on Monday to reset it (because they made sure to fit him for it so late in the day on Friday that it couldn’t be corrected/as the office was closing-coincidence? I think not!)
He went back as directed today and big surprise-NO CHANGE!
While in Westland Jail, Joey had to argue with them to be seen for medical treatment of the bullet wound in his hip. He was finally taken to the ER where it was cleaned, and antibiotics were prescribed. Westland PD checked his antibiotics into his property and was never given them as prescribed! Once transferred to Wayne County Jail-somehow the antibiotics were no longer there, and he spent another week without them!
Adding insult to injury-Joey is still not only being treated like a criminal and unable to leave the house, the SHOOTER has driven by freely!
Let’s keep this moving for our Marine! This will be a long and hard battle ahead, and the USMC has placed him on UNPAID leave. He has 2 kids to support, one of which is just an infant, bills to pay and now Legal Fees! Every bit of financial help we can give him to keep up with his bills and living expenses so he can focus on his legal battle is greatly appreciated!!
A Marine who defends the United States from foreign enemies has not been allowed to defend his own family from domestic enemies. In Westland, Michigan, active duty Marine Joey Nelson,28, was at home with his fiancee, his 3 week old baby, and two friends, when a man began pounding violently on the door. As the man opened fire into the house, the Marine was shot in the hip, but returned fire. He is charged with Assault with Intent to Murder, while the attacker was only charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Westland police say the man outside was 39-year-old Michael Wilson of Detroit.
“I don’t know (who he is); my son doesn’t know him; the owner of the home doesn’t know him,” says Steve.
Cracking the door frame, the family says Joey grabbed his gun and yelled for Wilson to leave.
“He opened up the door because he was standing here in the yard,” Steve says. “(Joey) told him to get off his property and at that time (Wilson) produced a gun and started shooting at my son.”
Joey’s family says the young Marine was shot in the hip before calling 911 and telling everyone to get downstairs. Joey fired back at Wilson, who they say took off as police arrived.
When Fox2 reporter Erika Erickson noted the number of bullet holes in the house, Steve Nelson, Joey’s Father, responded, “Yes ma’am, there are quite a few. This gentleman was not here for coffee.”
While this is a complete travesty of justice, Michigan is noted for having messed up the Castle Doctrine several years ago.
Michigan Live reported,
“What that means in practical terms, legal experts say: Gun owners are on legally solid ground if they turn their weapon on someone who, say, has broken into their home or is trying to rob their business.
But if the suspected thief or attacker is outside the building, different rules take over…”
In other words, according to Michigan law, since the instruder had not actually entered the house, Joey Nelson was under different legal “rules.”
Main reason they charged Joey:
Nelson made statements that were inconsistent with witesses in the home.
That's in the charging documentation
Quote from an on sc...ene officer- And in the document
Willhite, Maroux,and Struhah all basically said the same thing as Nelson.
So we will take a look at consistenty from the statements they are using against Joey
Wilson then stated he walked back to the door, he was about 5 steps away when the door opened
Wilson then stated he put his arms & said"what's going on"
Wilson then says the next thing he sees is fire flashes coming at him & the subject who answered the door is shooting at him.
From the girlfriend
Ward stated she called Wilson & was outside smoking when Wilson arrived.
Ward said Wilson did not see her when he arrived.
He knocked hard & said what's going on
Ward then says Joey opened the door & there was no physical contact at all
Mike immediately back's down the porch stairs with his hands in the air
Ward says Joey pulled out his gun and unloads it on Mike.
Wilson then turned to run & returned fire maybe 4 or 5 shots
But wait, she's waiting outside , she says he didn't see me this is what happened.
Wilson's statement says he arrived at the location, pulled in the driveway, verified the address by the numbers on the house.
He goes on to say he saw a tank on the pourch & he knows it belongs to Kori.
He grabbed the tank and pounds on the door & yells let's go
He states he then took the tank to his truck and put it in the back seat
Then Wilson says he went back to the front door and was about 5 steps away when the door opened.
She makes no mention of grabbing the tank, the return trip to the truck and then going to the door a second time.
He says 5 steps away, she says he was on the porch
He says fire flashes, she says Joey opened the door, she says Joey pulled his gun, meaning it wasn't in his hand, Mike backed down the stairs, but I thought he was 5 steps away, not on the porch, he has Joey coming out shooting,
And for fun- the neighbor stated
She looked out her front picture window and observed a male walking up to the porch wearing a dark knit hat & dark colored coat. A second subject exited the house onto the porch & shove the first subject off of the porch.
Wilson & Ward are currently viewed as the victims, but their story’s don’t match each other or an independent witness
How about the truth from those 2?
Ward left the house 15 minuets before Wilson arrives, they claim to have not seen each other out side. I will prove that false latter today.
What was he even doing approaching the house?
His girlfriend left, she wasn’t inside, they don’t live there or near by.
What business do they have there, while having an illegal firearm?
Charge the right people, she’s guilty too
1. My name is Edward Trader
2. I am the uncle of Joey Nelson the Marine that is being charged in this statement. Joey's parents ask me to start this Gofundme campaign forJoey to help him to get out and for support after he is out
3. the funds that have been raised here will be going directly to Joey's mother and father and Joey for his support and fight. He at this time is not getting any pay from the military. Because of all this.
4. I am from Westland Michigan as well as Joey Nelson is
5.Joey's parents are aware of this campaign. Once the funds have been withdrawn they will be going directly to Joey's parents for the fight for justice and support.
Latest Update: Joey was released FINALLY on Friday, after 14 days of unjust jail time on a $75,000/10% Bond with GPS Tether. It was our understanding at the time that he would be able to move freely as long as he did not leave the State. Once again, Westland messed up that Judgement & Paperwork! Joey came home on Friday with his ankle bracelet and was told he had to stay at home until he could meet with the Tether Agent again on Monday to reset it (because they made sure to fit him for it so late in the day on Friday that it couldn’t be corrected/as the office was closing-coincidence? I think not!)
He went back as directed today and big surprise-NO CHANGE!
While in Westland Jail, Joey had to argue with them to be seen for medical treatment of the bullet wound in his hip. He was finally taken to the ER where it was cleaned, and antibiotics were prescribed. Westland PD checked his antibiotics into his property and was never given them as prescribed! Once transferred to Wayne County Jail-somehow the antibiotics were no longer there, and he spent another week without them!
Adding insult to injury-Joey is still not only being treated like a criminal and unable to leave the house, the SHOOTER has driven by freely!
Let’s keep this moving for our Marine! This will be a long and hard battle ahead, and the USMC has placed him on UNPAID leave. He has 2 kids to support, one of which is just an infant, bills to pay and now Legal Fees! Every bit of financial help we can give him to keep up with his bills and living expenses so he can focus on his legal battle is greatly appreciated!!
Trader Edward
Westland, MI