Photo principale de la cagnotte

Save a life

Don protégé
Rejesh has been hospitalized on Jul 7th, 2018  and undergone a neuro  surgery, currently in ICU, sedated and paralyzed on mechanical ventilatory support and requires inotropic support.   

39 year old Rajesh, is father of very young children aged 8 and 4 years!  He has been a very good friend of all of ours. This catastrophe had shattered their dreams.

Please Pray For Him!!!  This GoFundMe account is to help Rejesh and his family to go through this tough time. We would greatly appreciate any kind of support, not just monetary. Your prayers, thoughts, and energy will go a long way!

Medical treatment details can be found at this link

Je soutiens


  • Raj D
    • 200 $ (don hors ligne)
    • 7 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 100 $
    • 7 ans
  • Kaitav Shah
    • 150 $ (don hors ligne)
    • 7 ans
  • Paresh Kapasi
    • 3 000 $ (don hors ligne)
    • 7 ans
  • Magdalena Kaźmierska
    • 30 $
    • 7 ans
Je soutiens

Équipe de collecte de fonds : School mates (4)

Vish Agasi
Cranford, NJ
Keyur Shah
Team member
Shweta Trivedi
Team member
Vishal Vashi
Team member

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