Allie Paul
Donation protected

The word that comes to mind when I think about my niece Allie Paul is tough. This little girl has been through more in her short lifetime than the majority of us will ever have to deal with. And she faces everything head-on, with an "I got this" attitude. But now she (and her parents Judd and Jennifer Paul) need our help and prayers.
As many of you know, as a baby Allie was diagnosed with BOR Syndrome, which caused, among other things, deficiencies in her kidney function. As her conditioned worsened, at 7 years old, Allie underwent a kidney transplant with a kidney from her Mom in November 2014. Although they were faced with monumental medical and prescription expenses before and after the surgery, Judd and Jennifer Paul did not want to ask for "help." And for a year, Allie's transplant was a huge success. As many of you know, within a year of her transplant, Allie became a Champion at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress with her horse Sheik and started the 2nd Grade at school.
Unfortunately, however, shortly after the one-year anniversary of her transplant surgery, Allie has started to face complications. She has had one tumor removed, two surgeries, and another surgery scheduled for tomorrow. And she is battling an infection in her body. The doctors also indicated that another tumor may be present (they are running more tests).
With each hospital visit and stay, there are mounting medical expenses, prescription costs, and travel and hotel expenses for her parents and grandparents as everyone travels to Cincinnati Children's Hospital for Allie's follow-up treatment. And her parents have had to take time away from their business as they focus their attention on Allie's health.
As her (favorite) aunt who feels helpless to make things better for Allie, I've decided that setting up this fund to try to help defray some of the financial burdens on Allie's parents Judd and Jennifer Paul is something I can do. So I ask everyone who can to please help. The money raised will go to defray Allie's medical and prescription costs, the expenses incurred by traveling for her treatments and surgeries, the costs of a tutor for Allie to keep her up to date with her schooling, and other expenses incurred by her parents. Any little amount can help. And, more importantly, please send prayers and positive thoughts for Allie's recovery from this latest hurdle.
I will continue to post updates as they become available. Thank you all for your love and support.
Angie Paul Whitfield
Angie Paul Whitfield
Dublin, OH