Rachel’s Fund
Update: Rachel went home finally to be with her Lord and savior Jesus. This fund is to assist with funeral costs, hospital bills and any other financial struggles the family is dealing with.
-This Go fund me is for Rachel and her recovery. From hospital bills to physical therapy once she is off the ventilator. She has improved so much, but I know we have a ways to go and after she wakes up, more therapy will follow. Even $5 is appreciated, but do not feel obligated. Y’all’s prayers have done so much for Rachel and helped her. Thank everyone deeply from the bottom of our heart!
-UPDATE: she is having to have a dangerous procedure on her lung to repair a rupture. We have to wait for an available bed downtown at Methodist in the medical center. Until then she will be given meds to keep her comfortable and help her rest. We need all the prayers we can get. Any donations are appreciated but do not feel obligated. Love all of you and thank you for everything.