Materials to make scrubs for the NHS
Donation protected
Help Save NHS lives in Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield
There have been numerous press reports of doctors, nurses and porters working in the NHS who have died or become seriously ill due to the lack of adequate PPEkit or Scrubs.
All those men and women who work in the NHS in Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield deserve to be protected from COVID- 19.
To help these workers, Donna Battersby who runs a curtain shop in Clowne has joined the nationwide Scrubs innovative, which recently featured on the BBC's ONE SHOW, to make much-needed PPE.
Assisting Donna is Julie Watson who used to work a bridal wear industry and now runs her own alterations company in Dronfield, Donna’s daughter Tanya Cawkwell, her husband Dean who is a director of amanufacturing company, ex ambulance driver Candi Allen who now works in the making of workwear garments along with a staggering 120 volunteers who have all answered the call to help the Sheffield Scrubsgroup since it was started on 9th April. (They now have more than enough volunteers and thank everyone for joining them).
All these volunteers are already frantically making the urgently needed scrubs all from their homes all over the Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield area.
They need your help please in two areas.
1) They need donations to cover the cost of specialised materials. All the labour is free.
2). They also need you to email this link to everyone you know in the Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield area.
PLEASE help Scrubs Sheffield to help all those in NHS hospitals in Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield. These men and women are helping all of us and saving lives. It's our turn now to help them.
Can every resident of Sheffield, Rotherham orChesterfield and all the places in between donate just £5......or more.
Any funds not spent on materials will be donated to NHS Practitioner Health, an organisation dedicated to supporting the unique needs of health care professionals and their mental health, which we think will be of great importance in the coming months.
There have been numerous press reports of doctors, nurses and porters working in the NHS who have died or become seriously ill due to the lack of adequate PPEkit or Scrubs.
All those men and women who work in the NHS in Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield deserve to be protected from COVID- 19.
To help these workers, Donna Battersby who runs a curtain shop in Clowne has joined the nationwide Scrubs innovative, which recently featured on the BBC's ONE SHOW, to make much-needed PPE.
Assisting Donna is Julie Watson who used to work a bridal wear industry and now runs her own alterations company in Dronfield, Donna’s daughter Tanya Cawkwell, her husband Dean who is a director of amanufacturing company, ex ambulance driver Candi Allen who now works in the making of workwear garments along with a staggering 120 volunteers who have all answered the call to help the Sheffield Scrubsgroup since it was started on 9th April. (They now have more than enough volunteers and thank everyone for joining them).
All these volunteers are already frantically making the urgently needed scrubs all from their homes all over the Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield area.
They need your help please in two areas.
1) They need donations to cover the cost of specialised materials. All the labour is free.
2). They also need you to email this link to everyone you know in the Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield area.
PLEASE help Scrubs Sheffield to help all those in NHS hospitals in Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield. These men and women are helping all of us and saving lives. It's our turn now to help them.
Can every resident of Sheffield, Rotherham orChesterfield and all the places in between donate just £5......or more.
Any funds not spent on materials will be donated to NHS Practitioner Health, an organisation dedicated to supporting the unique needs of health care professionals and their mental health, which we think will be of great importance in the coming months.
Donna Battersby