Donation protected
Hi! We are BLACK ROCK ADVENTURES BUS STOP! and we provide daily tours from our BUS STOP! in our adventure rig, departing at 9am. The BUS STOP! Is usually located around 3 o'clock just off the Esplanade. We also provide tours by request to those with mobility issues and sometimes otherwise including at night. Tours are pretty popular, some Burners are not comfortable on a bike, or don't feel confident to hitch on an art car, or perhaps the Burner wants to know where and when they will end up. Some people are sort of scared of the Playa, the weather or getting lost, or really can't get around for one reason or another. We hope to fill that gap somewhat.
Our rig is a 1981 Yamaha G1 golf cart, two stroke, which is followed by an 18' hayride trailer that has been retrofit with a ramp, seats, some shade and tie downs for up to three wheelchairs at once.
We are a small camp with limited resources and your help, no matter how big or smal,l is welcome! Whether or not you are in a position to send funds, perhaps you will come for a tour with us and also tell your friends about us. We welcome special request. We are also looking for more responsible + sober drivers and spotters so we can increase the number of our scheduled tours. We don't have a set route, we ask everyone where they want to go and we go!
The rig needs maintenance every year and storage. We'd like to make it more glamorous but well....one thing at a time. The bus stop needs replacement every few years, and the lights and batteries go bad here and there.
We promise any funds donated will be devoted strictly to our BUS STOP! and the adventure rig.
Thanks for your consideration. Hope to meet you at the burn and/or email us at
info at blackrockadventures.org
if we can be of help to you, or someone you know out there on the Playa!
)'( !
Los Angeles, CA