Daily Living for The Wade Family
Hello! We are the Wade Family. We have two beautiful children, Kyra (8) and Hydn (4). As parents, we believe in one very concept...family is #1 priority. We have always strived to work hard so we can support our children and give them a great life. Recently, Tim went into business with another individual not knowing the legal issues that would follow just a week later. Part of these legal issues include our paychecks being placed on hold until legal issues are resolved (we have had no income coming in for the past month). To help bring in some income to support our family, I have recently opened up Hydn Cheese (a pop up restaurant) as an official business. We have had a couple events, but still trying to pay off start up expenses. With hardly any income making its way into the Wade household, simple day to day life has been placed on hold.
We are asking for the help of our family and friends to raise money to help us with the cost of lawyer expenses and simple daily living expenses (mortgage, daycare, groceries, school supplies for Kyra and Hydn). Any contribution is most appreciated until Hydn Cheese is fully up and running and legal issues are resolved. Also, please feel free to share our GoFundMe page with your network of family and friends.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! In advance for all the love and support!