2016 Democratic National Convention
Being elected as a National Delegate to represent the good people of Utah has been amazing and I am thoroughly looking forward to casting my vote for Senator Bernie Sanders. I have been able to get involved in our state's politics on a level that I could only ever dream about before. I am currently the Deputy Campaign Manager for Misty K Snow for US Senate, another committed progressive who is running a completely people funded campaign.
My husband, children, and I have happily dedicated much of our lives into the campaign to elect Bernie Sanders, a person who embodies a concept that we as a family try so hard to live by: tikkun olam. Hebrew for "world repair," it is a concept that we are to live benevolently amongst each other so that we can ALL flourish; that it is our shared human responsibility to ensure a world for future generations, and to paraphrase from an old Greek proverb, to plant seeds of trees whose shade we will never sit under. To me, Bernie Sanders reflects this concept in his words and actions and to be able to represent the 79% of Utahns who agree is beyond humbling.
I am a committed progressive who firmly believes Bernie Sanders is the USA's best chance at a future in which we can all thrive, instead of the world we're currently in where a miniscule fraction hoarde all the wealth. Please consider donating to the cause.
I thank you in advance for your love and support.
In solidarity,
Daisy Thomas