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Daisy's Emergency Fund

Doação protegida
Let me tell you about my mother. She would give the shirt off her back for anyone in need. As a young bride with her own two children she raised her husband's younger sister and six younger brothers for several years. She was a nurse for twenty years. She's done anything and everything in her power to help me with my children, helping pay for special extravances that we might not otherwise have been able to afford for them, taking them on trips, and overall being the best grandmother.  She owns a local home care agency. Her entire life has been helping others. Now she's the one in need of help. She lost her home in the Coffey Park area fire. She barely had time to get herself out, let alone anything else.  Why can't she stay with me, you may ask. Well, unfortunately, I also lost my home in Glen Ellen fire. However, my husband has family we can stay with. Mom doesn't. Please help me raise funds for her immediate living expenses. Help me take care of her for a change.


  • Kate Diehl
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Dawn Cheney Kemp
Glen Ellen, CA

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