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Damascus Senior Prom 2021

Donativo protegido

Damascus Senior Prom

Calling all Damascus Parents, Family,       Alumni, supporters!!!  
Our Seniors have lost so much due to this Pandemic! Homecoming, sports and activities, Senior night, pep rallies, banquets, spending their last year of school with their friends and all the fun of just being a ‘Senior’. This is a huge transition for them and many are heartbroken with all that’s been lost.

So lets  try to at least give them the ultimate Senior Memory ...Prom!
Please help us in trying to raise enough money to have a Prom for our Seniors!
We are trying to rent a venue and stick with the CDC Guidelines, but this is definitely going take a village, and if there is any village that can do this it’s DAMASCUS!!

Anything that you can give will be greatly appreciated,  please feel free to share.
If you have any questions, please message me.


  • Jay & Rhonda Keir
    • 100 $
    • 4 años
  • Linda Fridley
    • 25 $
    • 4 años
  • Jill Emerick
    • 100 $
    • 4 años
  • Karla Rendelman
    • 125 $
    • 4 años
  • Gina Schottleutner
    • 25 $
    • 4 años


Jody Figueroa-Velez
Gaithersburg, MD

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