Project Masjid Al-Haaris
Updated 08/04/2023
*(Final additional plan now added)*
This fundraising page has been set up on behalf of our dear brother Haaris Usman who passed away as a result of a tragic car accident on the evening of 05.02.23. Haaris was a striving young 18 year old with his whole life ahead of him. He was loved deeply by many, and brought a smile to those who he would meet. Our beloved brother is now with Allah and we hope to reach our objective to raise funds for a Masjid on his behalf.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.”Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 450, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 533.
Your donations will provide a local village in Gambia with a Masjid to worship Allah, and each Salah will be a form of Sadaqah Jaariyah for you and Haaris. Alongside the Masjid, a Wudhu area and toilet blocks (for both males and females) will be built.
Once the Masjid has been built, the Masjid will facilitate Islamic educational needs for the local community where further donors have the option to sponsor teachers and children ;which they can benefit from Quran Lessons, Hifdh and Islamic Studies.
The project itself will cost £16,000. We are requesting the support of family and friends to kindly contribute to this Sadaqah Jariyah for Haaris.
The funds will also go towards a water well providing clean and freshwater to a whole community. The water well will be constructed alongside the Masjid providing for Wudhu, cleaning and drinking.
Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah had asked the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), “which charity is best?”, Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) responded, “ A drink of water “
Sunan al-Nasā’ī 3664
(Final additional plan)
Big thank you to everyone that donated towards this project.
Due to the amazing support from donors, we have decided to extend the fundraise to an additional £7000, to provide a classroom for the children within the compound alongside Masjid Al-Haaris.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"Whoever takes a path upon which to obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him."
Jami® at-Tirmidhi 2646
May Allah accept everyone’s donations and reward everyone immensely.
For additional information about the project, please follow the links below.
Jazakum Allahu Khairun
Instagram Page
More information about Sharing Wonders:
Sharing Wonders is a small, efficient charity operating with transparency. We promote education and self sustaining project.
We build schools, masjids, water wells, promote agriculture and provide social aid such as child sponsorship and housing.
As of Jan 2023, we've built over 420 water wells in Gambia, funded multiple women's gardens for agriculture and have 7 schools under our management.
Thank you. SW
Fundraising team (2)
Qamar SZ
Sharing Wonders
Daniel Usman
Team member