Help Dan start the next chapter
On October 10, 2021 Dan Hurd will ride into Las Vegas, NV closing the final chapter of a truly epic adventure that spans over 3 1/2 years, all lower 48 states , over 22,00 miles cycled, 200+ strangers homes stayed in, 81 direct suicide interventions, the formation of a non-profit , beginning of a podcast ‘Friends from the road ’, getting baptized, and an accident that nearly took his life and so much more. Before this inspirational story began, Dan found himself at the lowest point of his life after having attempted suicide 3 times and was planning a 4th attempt. Thankfully, Dan had a friend encourage him to get on a bike to begin riding and from his first long ride with friends he found a love for cycling that would change the course of his life forever.
Now that this chapter is coming to a close, a new path is forming. If you’ve been blessed to meet and know Dan along the way, I ask you to please consider donating to help him take these next beginning steps. Coming off the road, Dan plans to move to the Denver area in Colorado and will continue growing the non-profit. There is a deep passion in Dan to further this work of raising awareness to the tragic reality of suicide while also encouraging others to be a meaningful part of the solution. He hopes to quickly begin working and this money will be extremely helpful in buying tools & clothing, immediate housing, assistance with transportation, food, and basic needs on his bike.
Transitioning from life on the road to a more permanent living situation will be quite an adjustment and requires a lot to make this happen. Dan will succeed no matter what but I believe if we can support him as a community, helping bear some of this initial load, the process will go much smoother.
Whether or not you give financially, please also consider.
* Reaching out to Dan personally to congratulate, encourage, and bless. ([email redacted])
* Helping in sharing
*Joining us in Vegas to celebrate!
* Supporting the work of the non-profit OPAAT .
Thank you for everything!