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Oneonta Scholarship in Dan’s name.

Spende geschützt
This is John and Tina Michaels, Daniel's Parents.  We thank you for your contributions during this difficult time.  Initially a classmate of Dan's set up the fund for our benefit.  We reached out to SUNY Oneonta to see if we could donate the proceeds to the school to set up a fund in Dan's name to benefit others.

The funds received will be withdrawn by us to create a scholarship fund in Dan Michaels name.  We will be working with SUNY Oneonta Scholarship Administration to award students in the years Daniel would have been attending college between 2017-2021.

We will be withdrawing the funds into a bank account where they will be allocated to the school.  It is our hope that many students will be able to financially benefit due to your generosity.


  • Anonym
    • $40
    • 5 yrs


John Michaels
Oneonta, NY

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt