Dana Trujillo's Breast Cancer Fund
Dana Trujillo's Story
My name is Vicki Slade. I have a dear friend who is in need. Her name is Dana Trujillo. Dana is 44 years old and is a beautiful person both inside and out. She is a loving mother, grandmother, daughter, sister and friend. She is always giving to others but rarely asks for anything for herself. She lives modestly but happily. Dana’s energy and attitude are always positive and upbeat. Even through what many people would consider a terrifying and devastating medical diagnosis, she has maintained her infectious sense of humor and keeps those around her laughing and at ease. Dana gave up a lucrative career in the corporate world to follow her passion for helping animals and people.
Dana is about to embark on a journey that she is going to need some help with. I, like many of the wonderful people who love Dana, find ourselves feeling helpless. Now we don’t have to be. Creating this Page is giving me the ability to be proactive in her recovery. My hope is that it will help others to be proactive as well and at the same time give Dana some peace of mind that while she is recovering she will not have the added burden of worrying that she will loose her home, her car or anything that she has worked hard to maintain. All she should have to think about is getting well.
8 years ago Dana found a lump in her breast that turned out to be precancerous. She had to undergo a Lumpectomy. In Dec. of 2015 she found another lump. After some testing, on Feb. 17, 2016 it was diagnosed as Invasive Ductile Carcinoma, poorly differentiated, stage 2 breast cancer (AKA The Buddha Boob Tumor). It is a very aggressive and fast growing form of breast cancer. On March 7, 2016 and after more imaging it appears the cancer is spreading. The results came back that two additional tumors were tested. One is precanercous and the other is invassive ductial carcinoma, well differentitaed (a slow growing cancer). After consulting with her team of doctors at Radnet/Breastlink at the Encino Breast Care Center - Dr. Nimmie Kapoor, Breast Surgeon, Dr. Bendavid, Radiologist and her dear friend Dr. Zabina Bhasin Ahuja, Director of Oncology Services who are over seeing her treatment at the highest possible level, they jointly decided that a Bilateral Double Mastectomy would give Dana the best chance of a speedy recovery and long term freedom from the worry of the cancer returning once again. She has complete peace of mind about her medical care. She is hoping to have the Mastectomy by the 18th of March. There are also some extenuating circumstances that will mean more surgeries. Dana currently takes medication to help with fibroids in her uterus. Those medications carry a known risk for breast cancer. Her cancer is hormone responsive and the medication is now feeding the cancer. She can no longer take them which means that she will have to also undergo a hysterectomy once she has healed from the mastectomy. On March 10, 2016 she will undergo genetic testing. After 2-4 weeks she should find out what other sugeries will need to be done and if she will be able to keep her ovaries. The hope is that by doing the bilateral mastectomy she will be cancer free and recover within a few months. However there are no guarantees. Once they go in they could find cancer in the lymph nodes which would require Chemotherapy and Radiation. That would then extend her recovery time from 6 months to 1 year.
Ultrasound film from 2/16/16. Note the tumor's resemblance to the dog Buddha. Hensforth known as the Buddah Boob Tumor.
Dana and Buddha.
Ultra sound film from March 4, 2016. Things have changed.
Ultrasound from March 4, 2016.
Here's the reality of this situation; Dana is a single woman, with no spouse or family in her home to help share the financial burden of this. She's in the middle of a career transformation, currently working 2 jobs and developing her own business in the dog training/grooming industry, for a total of 3 jobs. She lives off of commission and dog training/grooming fees. So when she's not working, she's not making money. In the past year she survived living with an abusive alcoholic, a dog bite that resulted in a hospital acquired MRSA infection, treating her precious dog Roxy's cancer (who passed away in August, 2015) and her other beloved dog Billy Jack's stomach surgery. All of this drained her savings account last year while relocating to a new and safer home for her self and her dogs while taking care of their medical needs in the process. Mentally she will be ok, she is a figther. Financially she is in jeopardy. She also learned that state disability will not start paying out until she has 4 weeks of a loss of income, however hospital co-pays for surgery and tests are already due at time services are rendered. The disability payment will not be enough to cover her rent, living expenses, utilities, dog food, car payment and insurance policies. She has to pay her employer to maintain her health insurance coverage while not working and in treatment too.. co pays, meds, etc. As well as some procedures and treatments that may not be fully covered by her insurance. She will have to work as much as possible to survive and stay sane. Dana also helps her daughter Aubrey, who is a single mother as well, and her Grandson Elijah financially as much as she can.
Dana, daughter Aubrey and Grandson Elijah.
Elijah and Dana incognito as their favorite super hero.
I didn't know what amount to set, or date she would need for this campaign so I just guessed at the numbers. We are not sure what the total costs will be to win this fight, or just how long it will take. It could be more or less. Every donated dollar will help. The costs could also include:
-Hormone Therapy/ Inhibitors
-Loss of wages while out of work
I asked Dana’s Daughter Aubrey and a close friend of Dana’s to write a little something about her to help anyone who has never met her to understand just how much this amazing and remarkable woman means to them.
From Aubrey:
“My Mom had me really young, and she was able to work, and graduate high school a semester early. She, as always, made sure that I had everything growing up, even when that meant she went without. My Mom always pushed me to never give up and always follow through with what I wanted to do. I believe that she is the person that instilled that drive in me to also want to succeed, even if that meant I failed 50 times to always try, because that 51st time could be it. She was always there supporting me wether is it was hip hop, cheer, choir, track, tennis, or acting. She was always there at all my performances, and drove me to every audition. Now that I am an adult I feel like I really do not know what I would do without her. I always call her for Mommy advice for my son, for just everything. My Mom has really become my best friend. She is everything to me. My Parent, my Best Friend, the person that I confide into about everything. She really is my role model and my rock. She is the bravest person I know. Now that she is diagnosed with Breast Cancer, she still continues to live life to the fullest, and be happy. She is still strong in her faith in God. I don't know anyone else that would look at having cancer in a positive way, and still laugh and joke about it. But that is why she is my mother. She is the bravest, strongest, hardest working person I know, and she does mean the world to me.”
Dana, Elijah and Aubrey
From Dana's friend Nan Liebsack:
“Dana Trujillo is a remarkable woman. She is kind, loving and such a Giver. And she never gives up. She has given so much of her time, talents and her love to my husband and myself. But especially to our 90 pound "special needs" dog. If it wasn't for Dana, and the team at DPC, our dog would have been put down long ago. But Dana never gave up on her. And now Dana has developed such a bond with Ginger, that no one but Dana can get her to trust. We are so blessed to have Dana as part of our lives.
And speaking of never giving up, Dana is now being challenged with health issues like no other challenges in her entire life. It is so very hard for a "Giver" to take from others. It feels very unnatural. But this is a time when Dana can use some help, that all of us can "GIVE" to her. She deserves all the love and support, especially financial, that we can possible give. Please check out the "Fund Me", that is being set up for Dana and join in. It will be a few months before Dana will be able to work and support herself again. For me, joining in to help such an amazing woman will give me great joy.”
Throughout Dana's journey we will post updates and new information on this site, so that you can stay up to date on how she is doing and on the next steps in her treatment.
Please also note that any funds collected that Dana does not end up needing to cover the costs outlined above will be promptly donated to causes that help the other women and men bravely battling cancer around the country.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping this amazing woman and friend.
Much Love to all.
Dana and Vicki
P.S. Added March 31, 2016:
A dear friend of Dana, Roberta Vigil, has organized a bike rally in Albuquerque, NM on 4/16/16 to help raise funds for Dana's recovery. If you or anyone you know will be in the area please attend. They are also in need of prizes for the drawing so if you have any goods or services you'ld like to offer it would be much appreciated.
Thank you again for your generous support.
With heartfelt love