Dancing In The Streets!… of NYC!
Donation protected
Hello friends and family! Jordyn has an amazing opportunity to go to New York City with his High School Dance Company! (I’m so jealous!)
Her father Troy, and I, are so excited at what this opportunity will mean for Jordyn.
While Jordyn and the Dance Company WILL get time to sight-see and explore The Big Apple, the group won’t be fully in vacation-mode, as they’ll be spending a majority of their days attending master dance classes at the prestigious Alvin Ailey Theater and Broadway Dance Center. (An extremely unique opportunity.)
It will be an 8-day extravaganza, and to top it all off… Jordyn will be turning The Big ‘1-8’ while IN NYC!! (What amazing bragging rights!! lol)
As most of you know, Jordyn has faced an extremely difficult past 4 years, not only dealing with the Pandemic, but several other personal hardships. He has continued to battle-on, and will be graduating High School in May!! My momma-heart can’t bear the thought of telling him “no” to an amazing opportunity like this.
While we know that the economy is terrible right now, with finances being tight for the majority of most, her father and I have to swallow our pride, and reach out to our circles-of-influence and ask for help. Even if you could donate $10, that would still help immensely.
Please help us send Jordyn to New York!
Fundraising team (2)

Katie Petersen
Huntington Beach, CA

Troy Wolsleger
Team member