Dani's shoes are not for sale!
Donation protected

Hamingway’s shortest drama: Baby’s shoes are for sale. It has never been used..Let’s make it clear at the very beginning: The great author was no prophet and Dani’s shoes are not for sale! Welcome to our page! The “moSt, Mint sohA-Daniért” (Save My son’s heAlth) movement is spreading and becoming familiar with a great amount of people day by day. The reason for this is that there is an increasing number of people who would like to contribute to and support the effort which can give an opportunity to a little boy who cannot enjoy life freely due to a rare condition. Unfortunately, it is not the only problem that prevents him from living his life to its fullest. His family is worrying about him for fear of losing the opportunity of moving freely and making friends and making contact with people. That little boy is Daniel, our middle son, who was diagnosed with spinal dystrophy in October, 2018. This condition is called Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 (SMA 2), which means he may lose the ability to move freely with time. That condition does not affect his emotional and intellectual intelligence, his body could become his own prison besides his sane mind. On the other hand, there is a medicine which has been patented very recently and it may change the subjective of the doctors. This medication gave hope to Dani that one day he may live his life to the fullest. The Spinraza medication treatment gave an opportunity to Dani to be able to develop his health condition, however the treatment does not do any miracles: the bodily deterioration can be stopped, but for the improvement and Daniel’s future we must work extremely hard. Apart from this, our home-where we raise him together with his brothers- can also put a limit on Dani’s opportunities. Our home is located on the 4th floor without any elevators in a block of flats and it is burdened with loans. Obviously, it will definitely not provide us with the appropriate atmosphere for raising Dani and his brothers up. As Daniel is constantly growing, it becomes extremely difficult to take him to the developing activities. If it goes on like this, the world will be such a cold and tiny place and it will be far more difficult for him to improve his health condition. The world may become narrower for him. And as his parents, we will not let this happen. We are doing our best to be partners on the long road of Daniel’s improvement and development, because he is the one who always gives us strength and energy, we win our willpower from his persistence and his joyful manner. We believe it unconditionally that together with Dani we will be able to break through his limits. We must do it for him. If you feel you have a possibility to contribute to this movement, we would like you to be our partner in this fight. Please support Daniel’s development in order to be able to fight with SMA by the help of the greatest improving equipments and devices, the most excellent special education teachers, and the most appropriate environment. Please follow Daniel’s fight and persistence through our websites the “moSt, Mint sohA-Daniért” (Save My son’s heAlth). Thank you for supporting us in achieving our goals!
The official website of fundraising
Brigitta Kovács