Daniel Granberg family assistance
As you all know, Daniel passed away on the 3rd of September, on the summit of Illimani peak in Bolivia
We set this fund raiser up, first of all, in Daniel's honor- anyone who knew him knew what an incredible human being he was- and to help Daniel's family with expenses. However, as time went on, we realized that so many people wanted to reach out because they'd all been touched by Daniel at some point.
So we raised the goal to allow for that needed expression of grief. Daniel's family stated that any excess funds would be earmarked for something to do with education, a scholarship fund, or to help some group Daniel met upon his travels.
Now, four days later, we know he died of High Altitude Pulmonary Edema. His mother's current thinking is to fund some sort of education around that. So, after discussion today, among both friends and family, we have decided to raise the goal yet again, for donations more with education in mind.
I can think of no better gift to Daniel for all that he's given us...
Thank you so much for this outpouring of love and support for such an incredible young man.