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Daniel Lozado Puerto Rico Relief

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Hello All

This is Aubrey and Danny.  As you know, Aubrey is a Wella Top Artist who works with stylists all over the world.  One of our own has been devastated by Hurricane Maria.  Daniel Lozado and his family and friends are dealing with widespread destruction caused by the storm.  As you may know, 80% of the power remains out and will likely take months to restore.  Homes, buildings and infrastructure have been saturated by flooding.  And businesses shut down indefinitely that would normally provide suppliies and services.

Sadly, the necessary aid has been tied up by bureaucratic and political red tape.  The Mayor of San Juan has been appealing to our government to send aid urgently which has only ignited a tweet storm of insults from our President.

While it would appear to be a doomed situation, we have a super power working our favor.  Wella Professional stylists happen to be incredibly generous and ressourceful. 

Please be willing to send whatever you can to help Daniel and his community get back on their feet.  We will ensure that those funds are forward to Daniel or an organization of his choosing.


  • Brigitte Castonguay
    • $75
    • 7 yrs


Danny Leclair
Los Angeles, CA

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