Danny's Tavern Staff Support
Donation protected
As you all know, Governor Pritzker has shuttered the service industry until further notice.
The staff of Danny's Tavern are among the thousands of local employees directly affected by this decision to halt the spread of COVID-19.
While we're confident business will resume once some closure is reached at the top, our staff still needs to eat and pay bills. So be creative, have a heart, and if you can, tip those who've worked so hard to bring you the experience you've come to love all these years.
Every dollar counts and will be distributed among my co-workers. It's great to see the support our city's service industry has been able to gain from small crowdfunded donations, so I know we can make it with your help. I know we'll be able to weather the storm and kick out the jams when this all blows over.
Thanks, and be safe.
Ross Winston, General Manager
Danny's Tavern
Ross Winston
Chicago, IL