Danny's Medical Bills & Legal Fees
This is Danny. He's a veteran & barber.
Danny is also beloved son, brother, boyfriend, uncle, grandson, nephew, and cousin.
Danny was callously shot in the back by an intoxicated patron.
This incident happened at local bar. No person should carry a firearm while drinking in a bar, considering intoxicated people make poor choices. This person should be held reponsibile for shooting our loved one.
Meanwhile, our family member Danny lays in the hospital, with part his colon & large intestine lost. We are taking initiative by helping to take care of his hospital bills & possible legal fees. He will more than likely be out of work for a few months for recovery, on top of his prior motorcyle accident 6 mnths ago.
I wish we just had the money in the bank but we are a blue collared family which brings us here. You would do the same if this was one of your loved ones. Anything you can donate would help! Thank you all so very much!
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