Darrell J. Collin's Memorial Expenses
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Hi, my name is Jane, my son, Nick and I are fundraising for my Husband's Viewing and Memorial. Despite being only 59 years old, My husband, Darrell Collins recently passed away in the ICU after battling kidney, heart, liver failure, and several more diseases that would take too long to list. From February 26th - to March 30th, he was hospitalized. At one point, we thought he was getting out. After two weeks in the ICU, he was brought back in regular hospital stay, then back into the ICU, and unfortunately wasn't able to get better. On Saturday, March 30th at 12:30 pm, Darrell went to Heaven without feeling any pain.
Darrell Collins was a wonderful man. He served the military for 4 Years, was a mechanic at USPS for over 20 years, and we've been happily married for 25 years. He would always listen to my problems. He would know that there was something wrong even without me saying anything. There were lots of times when my Husband would surprise me with gifts, making the day feel magical. It was as if he always knew what I wanted or needed.
Despite his illnesses he never stopped thinking of a brighter future. He had many dreams and aspirations. He wanted to go back to work again. He had dreams of acquiring a Bachelor's degree. He wanted to create a dialysis facility in Alameda, since there weren't any. He wanted to be healthy again. In his notes, he wrote how he wanted manage his grumpiness, become a better husband and a better father despite him already doing the very best he can. And to me, he was already and will always be the best.
Any donations we receive will be going to my Husband's Memorial and Cremation ceremony. Thank you so much for reading our story and spreading the word.

Maria Jane Collins
Alameda, CA