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Support Dassinger Ranch

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If you live in North Dakota and own any livestock, the current "investigation" that
Gerald (Gary) Dassinger in involved in should scare you. Under current law, your
animals can be seized and sold without due process.

Secondly, Stark County has not performed a proper investigation which would include
asking you or allowing you to provide any information regarding how you care for
your animals.
In the words of the one accusing vet "there is no discussion, this is what's happening."

And even if a second and third veterinarian, as well as multiple ranchers say that
this is NOT a cruelty and neglect situation, you will be deemed "guilty until proven

This case has already cost Gary over $20,000 and he is still fighting, and he needs
YOUR HELP! If Stark County and the one accusing vet have their way, you will not be able
to provide any self care to your animals. Every shot, treatment for any injury, or
basic assessment of an animal can ONLY be done by a veterinarian.

If every animal does not have high quality feed and a water source in front of it at
all items, you are neglecting your animals. And, if you have any moss in your water
source, it is deemed "unacceptable."

North Dakota farmers, ranchers, and animal lovers. This case is NOT what the initial
media reports want you to believe. No animals starved to death. There are no Body
Condition scores of "1" that can be verified by photographs. And there is, and has
always been sufficient food and water on the Dassinger ranch.

Gary has been advised that this case may go all the way to the North Dakota Supreme
Court so that we can get this law overturned so that no other animal owner had to
experience this misuse of power.
That is going to take a lot of money.
More money than Gary has.
He might be the person who is currently fighting this law, but everyone, to include
farmers and ranchers who own animals in North Dakota need to join his fight.

If they can do this to him, they can do this to you.

If you are not able to donate on this page, please send a check to:
Murtha Law Office
C/O Gerald Dassinger account
135 Sims, Ste. 217
P.O. Box1111
Dickinson, ND 58601-1111

Gary and his family are not wanting to get rich, they just need money to help fight this. A portion of any excess funds will be donated to "Knights of Heros".


  • Anonym
    • $10
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Aliesha Simons
Dickinson, ND
Melissa Dassinger

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