David Mejia Funeral Expenses
On Saturday my family and I received the devastating news that my cousin David Mejia had been diagnosed with cancer the cancer had spread so fast it traveled to his lungs and brain, Monday morning he went into surgery to remove the 4 Brain tumors he had in the back of his head, unfortunately he lost the battle with cancer on Wednesday morning at 4 pm .. David was a brother, son , grandson ,cousin, friend and many more other things he was the sweetest most outgoing person I can think of he always was worried about how everyone was doing and always had a smile on his face .. This tragic situation was so completely unexpected cause David has always been super athletic and was always super healthy so no one saw this coming his family is struggling so much with this and I just want to help them in any way I can and make my cousin have a proper funeral .. if any one can help with anything it will be very much appreciated we love you so much David #longlivedavid