David Schafer Memorial Fund
Tax deductible
It is with a heavy heart that we share the devastating news of the passing of my father, David Schafer, on September 3, 2022. Dad was many things in life. He was a son, a brother, an uncle, a friend, a husband, a father, a pop, and a passionate supporter of the things he truly believed in. Our family has decided that the best way to honor Dad is to choose a cause that was near and dear to his heart. Dancing While Cancering, The Maddie Kramer Foundation, was inspired by the daughter of a dear friend of our families who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer just months before her third birthday. The Kramer’s quickly realized that while they could not control the outcome of Maddie’s cancer, they did possess the power to influence the lens through which her little eyes experienced it. They committed themselves to embracing Maddie’s diagnosis and providing her the tools to maintain her magical childhood innocence. Because of this, Maddie never stopped being a kid. She never stopped playing, she never stopped singing, and she absolutely never stopped dancing. Throughout her 8-plus months of treatment, Maddie was Dancing While Cancering.
Dancing While Cancering was created to honor Maddie and her battle that took a young beautiful girl from her family way too soon. They are committed to fighting the darker hospital moments for other kids with the bright light that Maddie shined throughout her journey. Dancing While Cancering works with hospitals and corporations across the country to provide “Smile Packs” to kids with cancer who have to endure the challenges of inpatient hospital treatment.
A “Smile Pack” is a welcome backpack delivered to newly diagnosed pediatric cancer patients at their partnered hospitals that is filled with gifts to transform the inpatient hospital experience. The packs contain items such as a wireless speaker for music, wall decals, and easily transportable musical instruments like maracas and a harmonica. These are a gentle reminder to take advantage of moments to smile, moments to sing, and moments to dance.
Please feel free to donate on behalf of the incredible life of my Dad, David Schafer, who loved this cause and even more so always reminded us all to look on the bright side of life.
*Additional information about Dancing While Cancering and The Maddie Kramer Foundation can be found at dancingwhilecancering.org
Dancing While Cancering was created to honor Maddie and her battle that took a young beautiful girl from her family way too soon. They are committed to fighting the darker hospital moments for other kids with the bright light that Maddie shined throughout her journey. Dancing While Cancering works with hospitals and corporations across the country to provide “Smile Packs” to kids with cancer who have to endure the challenges of inpatient hospital treatment.
A “Smile Pack” is a welcome backpack delivered to newly diagnosed pediatric cancer patients at their partnered hospitals that is filled with gifts to transform the inpatient hospital experience. The packs contain items such as a wireless speaker for music, wall decals, and easily transportable musical instruments like maracas and a harmonica. These are a gentle reminder to take advantage of moments to smile, moments to sing, and moments to dance.
Please feel free to donate on behalf of the incredible life of my Dad, David Schafer, who loved this cause and even more so always reminded us all to look on the bright side of life.
*Additional information about Dancing While Cancering and The Maddie Kramer Foundation can be found at dancingwhilecancering.org
Emily Schafer
Clementon, NJ
The Maddie Kramer Foundation