Dax’s recovery from liver failure.
Hello everyone. I’ve been diagnosed with a rare liver condition called PSC. It affects a very low percentage of people with Ulcerative colitis, which I’ve had going on about 15 years or so now. Something is causing the vessels to shrink and not allow any bile or fluids to flow through properly. This is making my bilirubin levels shoot through the roof.
Many blood tests, a CT scan and biopsy
have been done and the results are that a
full liver transplant is needed.
If you are able, while being off work
for an indefinite amount of time, anything would help to go towards rent and bills.
To keep it simple, today we were surprised with a significant medical fee post surgery that is entirely on me to pay. Included in this, I have to remain in Vancouver close to the hospital for up to 3 months for post surgery follow ups, tests and doctor visits to make sure things are going well. This has to happen before they’ll feel comfortable sending me back to Victoria. Typically you’ll remain here for the entire 3 months.
This is a major shock and surprise that never would have been known otherwise. This is the cold reality now. This is all on top of still having to cover rent/bills at home at the same time.
Once again, no obligation, If you’re
able to help, that would be amazing but if not that’s obviously totally fine too. If at the least you could help share and spread the fundraiser, that too would be amazing.
The support I’ve been shown so far is entirely unexpected and I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation to all of you.
From the biggest place in my heart, thankyou so much. All of you.